Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's after Miiidnight

Okay Technically it's only after midnight on the east coast BUT thanks to the genius of me leaving this PC on eastern standard time(to commemorate where my head resides, yes I'm an old softie what can I say) it is after midnight on this blog. After not blogging for a good 2 or 3 months (even though a couple of the blogs I completed this month may appear to change that view slightly) I damn near blogged every day this month. When checking my blogger post spot earlier under the published list I notice that there were 23 out of a possible 25 slots filled up with submissions from the month of October. And that's just wow, under normal circumstances I only remember to blog once every few days or weeks. Hell I know I say I ramble on and have a head full of thoughts but my problem is usually getting those thoughts out.

Have I posted any earth shattering life altering information um no, I've run my mouth given my opinion POSSIBLY showed people a glimpse into my rather erratic world chucked the deuces and kept it moving, I mean even with all of the blogs I have posted this month(and while it had 23 for the month of October I know that I also published some blogs from other months I just forget to change the dates for their publishing) I still haven't said everything that was on my mind nor have I cleared every clutter thought out. In my own way though, I've made progress and with nary a curse word uttered(okay maybe on twitter a few times because I just had to get them out) but even my twitter has seen less profanity than usual. I have also noticed a large uptick in traffic here on my blog and I welcome all new visitors granted some folks were looking for other items and just happened to trip over my blog but I hope you enjoyed your stay anyway.

Only thing I gotta work on I guess is finding a reason for some of yall to respond(granted those who had responded previously and I just hadn't looked are probably saying to me PBBBBBBT! yeah yeah I already apologized and I apologize some more I wasn't trying to be a bad host as a matter of fact to show my previous responders the deepness of my regret I will start posting pictures and recipes of some of the alcoholic beverages I am known to consume) what good is a blog without import. Input drives content, and if not content at least interaction I mean if I know what ACTUALLY interests you folks instead of just what tricked you into coming here(through no fault of my own, I'm an old ham so the titles just come out of me when I start typing and the rest is history or at least becomes history when I hit publish).

It was a kind of boring halloween for me we had one bowls worth of candy I gave it out and killed the light. Pretty much the basic costumes though one little chubby cheeked kid did come as Mario. My saturday fantastisucked for reasons I will not get into and my sunday was dull and boring(which actually I liked), as posted earlier I did some photoshop tutes, I watched a little anime to catch up to the current week, I'm current trying to watch some episodes of Smallville, hmm I may make a blog giving the CW a piece of my mind afterwards. I didn't mind the one comercial every few minutes to pay for the cost of hosting the video but come on the whole point of watching it on line is to shave off a few minutes from what watching on TV would do. Again that MAY come later,

Oh to all the folks who completed the 31 days 31 blogs challenge I congratulate you, one might think me posting so much content this month was in preparation or as catch up but it wasn't it was completely a mistake. That first blog I posted on the 15 I expected to be like the previous one I posted. Me coming in with the intent to blog and then shuffling off allowing the floors to collect dust. I have other blogs collecting dust I don't know if I am ready to be a content machine like I had been previously talking my fingers off with different subjects for different areas just to be. My life has been interesting as of late, really interesting some good some bad some just well some. For the bit of the journey I have shared I thank all who have watched for what is to come I hope we all can hold on for the ride.

Yeah Yeah it's a little egomaniacal

But for at least today this is my new blog background me in my timberland hoody with a light scary green glow infront of a fleshy background. I decided to do some photoshop tutorials today since I haven't don them in years I had put a few up on blogs(hell I even have on as my twitter background which I am about to change) but I had given them a break for a while and now I couldn't redo half that stuff if my life depended on it, and they were fun at first. So in my free time along with blogging you may see me pop one or two up here or there, maybe trade out a background or two. I'll try to leave the reading areas visible but I may get a little funky with things here or there.

I hope everyone had a good halloween, that your kids got good candy(what kid is gonna read this blog, big kids maybe and then you probably went to an adult themed party not trick or treating) nothing was poisoned or tainted and that innocence was preserved for one more year. Never got why people poisoned candy in the past, I mean just turn your light off? meh light one I may do another I may not

It's sunday

Normally I'd be jacked because it's sunday in October which means it's football season(American Football for my European and asian visitors, what I check my stats now I told yall I would be more attentive) so my favorite team The Philadelphia Eagles NORMALLY would be my main focus buuut it's their bye week. For those not familiar with AF the bye week is a week where a few teams aren't on the schedule every team gets a least one bye week during the season USUALLY no more then like 4 teams are off at any one time. the byes usually run from weeks 3-9. Now every sport hear in america has a bye week or a "break" basically all that means is that there is basically a rest longer then the normal span between games. In basketball you could have 3 or 4 games in one week or you could have a span of like 2 games over a week. Baseball is the same way, so is hockey. But football is 1 game per week for like 17 weeks then whoever makes it to the playoffs. Also unique to football is that their pro/allstar game is AFTER the season not, well not as after as it used to be before it was after the Superbowl but not its the week before.

Anyway again before I run all the way down this is my teams bye week so while I do like football this should be a productive sunday for me, now watch not a DAMN SOUL call for nothing today. I swear the last 3 weeks while my team was playing all hell was breaking loose, people were having issues, it was an emergency "PLEASE PLEASE MR. SURVEILLANCE GUY YOU MUST HELP US!!!" all while my team was playing some good football(granted LAST week I should have left how you give up 27 straight points in !!!4 minutes!!! *breathe breathe* anyway that was last week, we were 2 men down so the bye week will allow them to heal, yes it took everything I had not to do the whole Robot bit from lost in space

It's because well I'm mad we lost but our starting QB was down and our No. 1 receiver was down so hey we weren't at full strength and a little inexperience showed. It happens next week is another week (granted the colts are coming to town so that ain good so we better be at full speed) plus the other team had a wide receiver play the game of his life. Again things happen it's a 16 game season and we are above .500 so I'm happy about that plus I could be a dallas cowboys fan 1-4 talk about lame, though I will give them props for beating the texans they are a much improved team this year. Aiight I might blog more later I guess I can get a heads up on my wife's fantasy players for her real quick

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It's saturday aaaaaand I got a thing

It's another weekend, I think my dawg has something poppin but first things first gotta get the work out of the way. But as I see that the mobblogging is awesome sauce I can add more randomosity (little red squiggles I den told you if I WANT TO INVENT A WORD DANG NABBIT I WILL INVENT A WORD, wait you don't have NABBIT in your dictionary some of you net folks suck nabbit is like Looney Tunes old). *screeching tires* You rotten so and so's have wabbit in the "~~~~~" dictionary but you don't have Nabbit what kind of mickey mouse operation are you running? You know what all you Elmer Fudd fans can eat me, the Fudd was only cool cause Bugs made him cool.

(we will not get into a looney tunes argument, we will not get into a looney tunes argument) And the fact that you didn't have "looney" in there makes yall suspect, I'm just saying how you gonna have "wabbit" which is Sooo a WB term and not have the correct spelling of "Looney" you guy suck.

Okay back to my saturday of work and toil and hopefully fun later, hmm I wonder what came out in the movies today. I swear when we have these extra long days I am sooo lost, oh well I hope everybody has a safe and happy weekend. I'll pop in later with more random occurrences hmm I wonder whats happening on twitter by the way follow at your own risk, I speak when spoken to, randomly answer insanely, and I may tweet about anything and thats when I don't have a lot of time, let me be riding in the passenger seat. I think I'm a good 100 tweets from 20k(I don't believe it has taken me over 2 years to make 20,000 tweets. You would think with as long as my AVERAGE blog is I would have made that in a day or two) this will me my attempt to commemorate that awesome achievement. Cauuuse I'm gonna miss it when I actually do it, I have missed everyone since 1,000. I probably also need to set up a whitepaper account one of these days but meh it can wait. Dang it this was supposed to be a short blog oh well it's me when do I ever do anything short.

*Wave* Hi to anybody who trips over this blog by mistake. Stay a while enjoy my crazy antics and if you have any critiques leave them in the comments so I can laugh later, I need a good laugh every now and then.

Deadpool Wins! Friendship. 0_o Friendship?!

My local Comic Shoppe

Welp the order I placed monday has arrived. Two copies of the latest deadpool storyline the prelude and the actual first ark. The covers look amazing I may have to sock away 40 bucks and buy two that I'm NOT gonna open. Cause these two beauties(photos to be provided later) are soon to be defiled by these two hands right chere.

After checking my first moblog from e-mail source me likey. I'll still leave them in draft mode while that requires me to come back later and post them to my blog it also allows me to make adjustments, do final spell check and add the photos that I referenced above. So why deadpool? Because the "merc with the mouth" has only been around a good 15-20 years(I'm pissed I used to own the first appearance of Deadpool he had potential but never did I realize he would grow up so grand ; ; oooh how much that first would be worth now and when the movie comes out) {hmm that little aside will have to be shortened} But he is trying to match spidey pun to pun in half the time. And ladies and gentleman Wally Webs(sorry he called spidey that in shattered dimensions and it was epic) has 50 years worth of quippage under his belt and still counting. Deadpool boasts that he is the best there is at everything wolverine does(and truth be told he damn near is, hell has even disembowled the old Canuckle head a time or 20), has two razorsharp katana's, grenades, twin pistols, twin smg's, an M-16 with a laser scope(see itsjustsomerandomguy for any and all deadpool theme songs, hell I may adjust the url later to the song about said M-16).

Now you may be asking me exactly who is involved in these Deadpool corps, why I'm glad you asked that(not that I was actually listening to you but come on how often do I get a chance to use that set up, yeah yeah my blog like everyday SHUT IT) Well you have the original Merc with the mouth Deadpool, then you have Lady Deadpool( Boobs see prelude), Kid Deadpool(Tito), Dogpool(Cujo), and Headpool(Shorty no pockets) so far I have read the prelude and it's awesome.

Quick aside the reason why I love going to your local comic shop versus say wally world or even a big box book store to get your comic books is because in a big box store, the comics are there because they make money, but nobody knows diddly about them, at your local comic, cards and collectibles shop(most shops will call themselves that because you can usually find turn based card games as well as Merch there from various pop sources) usually the proprietor is himself a comic fan one of the more famous ones being some fat dude from New jersey(yeah yeah I've seen my gut actually I think Kev is awesome love most of his work) you can get your comics, some quick convo have them ordered and if you're REALLY NICE you might even score some acid free bags to store your comics in(if not just buy them or buy an extra set of your comic order and ask that they be placed in the bags probably be a buck or two more, but WORTH IT)

So my first official Deadpool comics, they appear awesome if you wonder why I am doing Mortal Kombat references for him look at this awesomeitsjustsomerandomguy video Aaaaaanyway enjoy my fellow true believers let me post this bad boy and get it over with

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, October 29, 2010

First moblog attempt via E-mail

Man this is a annoying day. I've picked up 3 PC's so far am waiting on a call back about the 4th, my phone is getting its normal crappy reception and I need to hit the ATM but my pockets are light.

Somedays it amazes me how I'm vocabularicly balleting through my normal thought processes to translate "me" speak to "ponder acceptable" speak. That whole floor routine up there you wouldn't believe what I was thinking as I typed. This is another post for 2 fold reasons. I wanna check how this blogging version works and I'm bored as hell sitting in a car with nothing to do and no one to harass.

Back to sitting and waiting I'll do another update soon, may need to hit the facilities soon just to drain my bladder
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The realm of paddy and laffy


This is one of my favorite liberal blogs, yes I know about FDL I don't go there that often I probably need to. Again lack of laptop land when I hit the sheets thats it I'm going to bed, I'm not writing blogs I'm not watching videos, I may be tweeting if my phone is close, but I'm definitely not responding to blogs. And I'm not keeping up with Rachel, Keith, or Ed like I used to, I remember watching them nightly but I either get home late, I'm not in the mood to stare at the tube or else somebody else is using it. Usually though even if I don't get a chance to check the tube if I go to The Political Carnival (thats the sites full name) I can get caught up see a few vids, a few great articles and she links out to other sites. I may have RECENTLY started to link out of my posts but she always provides the source material, as well as linkage, wait I'm saying she it should be THEY, Gottalaff and Mz Paddy(I don't think she has a twitter if she does I don't know it) keep it pretty light but cover all the days various political happenings.

And before you think she is some above the fray blogger understand you come to her site with stupidity she will political kick you teeth in with the facts you are trying to ignore. She isn't the speak softly type and calling her a liberal is a compliment not some charge that needs to be defended. I'm speaking of Laffy this time, she's the one you interact with the most on the site and yes there is the liberal bias others will complain about. Trolling is not welcomed (by her if I catch them in time I like to poke them with pointed sticks and pelt them with rotten tomatoes before she tosses them) but spirited debate is. I probably need to take a class from her on widgetry (shut up little red squiggle I know I made that up and I'm now adding it to the dictionary so nyaa nyaa new word invented) because her site is very cleanly put together, no clutter and it's pretty easy to get from one post to another, hell she even has a good inter blog search feature(hmm thinking I might need one of those in a year or 3 when I get enough content) and her post rate is through the roof, some days she has to post at least 12+ stories a day. I'm a hobbyist SHE's a blogger don't ever think we are even remotely on the same level.

And if you follow her on twitter she will respond(just don't be stupid please I SOMETIMES feel sorry{why do I hear giggling} for some of the conservatrolls who try to annoy her on twitter SOMETIMES) she's usually pretty nice to me even though I'm like a shadow now you see me now you don't. So you like liberal bias, somebody who does their fact checking, and IF on the rarest of occasion that she is wrong will immediately post a retraction or an update please give TPC a try I'm sure you will thoroughly enjoy it

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