Showing posts with label Late night edition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Late night edition. Show all posts

Friday, October 21, 2011

Prime checking in (and the jersey face)

I'm kicked back downtown waitingh for a power supply to be delivered, needless to say I am bored. I know I've been waltzing by my blog here because I keep chilling on google plus on the late night. Those hang outs are fun and you meet a lot of interesting people, that being said its no real excuse I have two computing devices so I could hang out and blog too. I've been kind of blah lately mainly because by the time I get done work it was a little less than sunny out and I was probably in a tight or hot place.

Work wise we picked up a few new contracts have done some major installs and are hopefully going to have a good winter, not one to count my chickens before they are hatched. While there is nothing like new money, maintenance and service calls are what keep us going day to day until the next new big contract. Lots of long hours and late days, I love when things pick up and yet I hate it because I have less time to arrange my day to day.

Monday, September 5, 2011

One more set of Library books

Motorola Backflip
Blackberry Bold

Last week I made an impromptu trip to the library because I was bored and I wanted to see if the book I had been looking for on my first trip was there(and if you observe the colorful blue book it was), also to see if there was anything else I could get from my local library. To compare it's selection to my old favorite haunt in Voorhees, Nj when I was in school doing the majority of my book reports, research, et al would be unfair because the Raleigh branch(while it has a better picture than the Voorhees Library) is possibly a third of the size.  I know it's hard to tell from that horrid forrest of a picture, I mean they are barely showing you the front door or the top of the atrium. As a favor to me IF you just so happen to live in New Jersey, in Camden county, AND happen to own a camera or digital phone could you please give the library next to the FORMER Echelon mall a better photo. The old girl may be camera shy after all these years but she looks way better than that overcropped, myopic nightmare that seemed to focus more on the flora around her than on the well worn beauty of that concrete dam of knowledge.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

No movie this week

Those who have come by frequently may be expecting me to post the trailers for a movie either tonight or tomorrow but as the only movie that I wanted to see didn't play at the theater down the street I decided to pass on the movies tonight. I wanted to see Columbiana that suspense thriller staring Zoe Saldana as the young girl who's parents were killed in front of her as a little girl and she grew up to be this awesome hit woman. What can I say I love those "spy" type movies. Hanna was good and so were the Bourne movies so another in the list why not. Unfortunately the Malco 12 at Raleigh Springs isn't showing Columbiana just Conan the Barbarian(on for a second week I guess it got enough ticket sales to remain), Don't be Afraid of the Dark(yeah didn't make my socks roll up and down either), Final Destination 5(*Ahem* you know it kid of defeats the purpose of saying FINAL Destination if you keep making sequels, and I will now sit down with my hypocrisy and play the next FINAL Fantasy game, what I admit i'm a hypocrite can you), Rise of the Planet of the Apes(good movie), and the Smurfs(Seriously, yall are still watching this movie? The Smurfs are in New York City HELLOOO they live in a forest, inside mushrooms way back in the time of kings and castles I just, something is wrong with yall).

Friday, August 5, 2011

I guess it's better to write whats on your mind than to try and force it

While I have quite a few posts languishing in draft at the moment I am doing a post for  the "Sequels vs Remakes and Reboots" series focusing on Spider-man, one of my favorite comic book characters. For those who don't know Sony Pictures is Rebooting their Spider-man movie series starting back from the beginning with Peter Parker in high school. The name of the movie is "the Amazing Spider-man" after the long running comic of the same name. Supposedly it is taking a slightly darker tone more along the lines of the Ultimate Series, and one of the things I'm happy about is a return to the Web Shooters which are an iconic part of the Spider-man universe.

Geektyrant and Thinkhero as usual have great coverage with many different vids, images and opinions on the entire process from the initial news of Spider-man 4 being canceled for the reboot to the casting of the new Peter Parker, to high res images and video clips. Of course some people are upset about the change from Tobey Macguire and Sam Raimi to Andrew Garfield and Marc Webb. but in my eyes the reboot allows us to see some of the iconic Spider-man villians re-imagined, brought back to life, or brought into the timeline. I won't deny I have always HATED the Gobby costume from the first movie, I thought it look stupid and forced almost as if they were trying to upgrade not only spider-man's origin but also his villains costumes. For the first movie nah it didn't work not at all, it was just a disaster, I loved Doc Ock's costume in the second one, Sandman's costume was pretty good too, Venom Sucked and Gobby Jr, was meh. So as far as I am concerned Sam Raimi was 3-2 and 1  with costumes. Spidey's costume was good, Gobby's costume sucked, Doc Oc was good, Sandman was good, Venom SUCKED, and Harry/Gobby jr was in the middle he was supposed to be wearing the original goblin costume but in real life he probably would have had an updated costume with better functionality made. So I will let that one be a push.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

A tale of two sides of the street

Trucks are gone and yes more houses in my immediate neighborhood have power but my block nope. There are houses on both sides of the street. If you notice in one its the stop sign at the corner how many times have I taken that picture. As more houses have light than did last night MLGW has been busy, but the "Saturday initial estimate" is almost like a set in stone ultimatum.

Can I hope sure, could prayers help I don't know a single person without power who would turn them back, you never see how vulnerable our electronic worl is until times like this. Then you wonder why weren't we more interested in solar, why haven't we demanded that all power lines be buried not just the new ones. And please don't be the douche who says" but the cost", your rates will be jacked up regardless. Somebody charging you more for the exact same thing, giving you less service, and claiming cost increases is as built into capitalism as it is to complain about profits when you earn a 6 or 7 figure salary even though the company is failing.

Last time I checked if I didn't do my chores right Dad didn't give me my allowance he made me go back and redo it right and THEN he gave me my allowance. Because then I had earned it, and if cut corners and got caught later, I got punished and STILL had to redo it until I got it right. So please rate hikes are going to happen regardless to if the bury everybodies lines. So yeah I know the okie doke, and you throw the punch at the body because while the head is easy to move the body is a much bigger target.

I mean I am glad for the folks who got power back today, and as they kept working til after 8 pm there is hope and a chance that MAYBE tomorrow I will be watching Smallville(fingers crossed). Yeah don't ask me why I am wasting battery lamenting this, but I am. I guess even though I can't interact with my readers and blog followers that this, just able to say whatever is on my mind and post it(raw or not) is comforting to me now. And comfort is at a premium when you have no power and it looks this dark and desolate.

Okay battery light is orange time to go
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Thursday, April 7, 2011

Man am I seriously out to lunch right now

This is turning out to be one hell of a 24 hour period, in the last 12 hours alone I have

This is the backflip opened out
1.  lost my phone

2. Broken another braided resistance ban
I just bought this one what 4 blogs ago
This is it coiled up all nice

3. and have yet to get rid of this cold from hell, allergy explosion collergy whatever it is.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My favorite New feature of the Blu ray age

Some call it "Live Preview" others just update for latest "Blu Ray information" others straight out tell you "downloading updated trailers". Wait downloading updated trailers wth yes my fellow traveler's of the digital age if you plug your trusty BRD into the internet it will download new trailers or other info(like maybe the release of a directors or uncut version of your current Blu ray purchase) from whatever studio your blu ray was made by. Which is kind of cool I mean you may actually see the trailer for a new movie or possibly a new Blu ray coming out in the next months.

Now yes sometimes it is nice to see the nostalgia of the ORIGINAL trailer that came on the disk but then again some of those hyped up movies sucked, so give me this new hotness. I like it, now granted this little missive may already have been used in a previous blog so I could be being a little douchey here and if so I apologize but as this has floated to the surface a few times I wanted to make sure I went ahead and finally typed it out. And yes the HD quality is nothing to sniff at either especially if you have the TV for it.

aiight sunday night monday morning quick shot over I need to do a few reps and hit the sheets

Friday, November 19, 2010

The best laid plans

I was planning to go watch Harry Potter at the midnight showing, but the one down the street didn't have the midnight showing posted so I'm going tomorrow night, oh well I got to wait a day to see a movie "Oh the HORROR".

I got to level 33 in black ops and earned my cross bow, and since I had the cross bow I decided to compete in a few wager matches just to see how the entire "wager" process works. I mean the basic premise is pretty simple you go into a match, put up as many bucks as you feel you want to risk and go in and try to place in the top 3. 2 out of the 3 wager matches I played in, I placed in the top 3. The first one I place 3rd, the second one I didn't place(somebody tomahawked me and erased my earnings near the end), and the third and final match I placed 1st. Sounded like I was playing with some international guys who thought I was either white or a little kid because after the match where dude hit me with the tomahawk they started trash talking, like I hadn't just placed 3rd in a previous match. Well now that I knew what the tomahawk looked like, was a little more familiar with its aiming, understood what HITTING someone with a Tomahawk would do as well as had gotten pretty good with the cross bow, you know how the last match ended right?

With Ol' Primal at the top of the list not only in the money but winning, I didn't give a USA chant wasn't needed. You're only poppin off about the Ol' US of A because we tend to waste what others would give their left nut for. So I can understand a little trash talking, even the comment about them thinking I was some white little kid pffft please I'm an american we talk about tea bagging each other(and actually do it on screen if we have enough time to get over your decaying carcass) as almost a right of passage, Newbie lol hey I can't argue with facts now could I my first 3 Wager matches and for the record I think I averaged about a 3rd, high 3rd but as my second match I was out of the money at 4th I'll take that for my first time trying out a wager match. So again I felt it was a good attempt, I still prefer Team Death Match or Ground War.

By the way I LOVE THE CROSSBOW, there is evil and then there is the crossbow an aim-able explosive dart that you can stick in somebody (anywhere) and let them see the "STUCK" symbol on their screen KNOWING they are about to die PRICELESS. Even better I can just put it near you, if you can't move in time I still get the kill. And if I can get you to run near a teammate or two I'll take that "Double Kill" any day. So I still got my walk in to hit the bank real quick but after that it was back to shooting people on black ops. I should have had a drink but meh I got in a zone and just kept going, tonight though it will definitely be some MR. Potter going on, then some more black ops and THEN some drinking.

I still gotta finish my second blog on black ops but hey I finish it when I finish it, this just allows me to get more info about it the game so that I can better express what I love about it and POSSIBLY help those who are either new to shooters or were wondering was it really a worthwhile purchase.

I will say this there are server issues sometimes there is a little bit of lag, and yes there are still cheaters there are some folks out there with serious connection issues, I do not know if they are deliberate or accidental but they do exist. Okay hitting the sack I hope all have a great friday and a great weekend


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