As often happens I started getting long in the tooth, anyway yes DLC is here, it's here to stay(as are micro transactions, different post entirely), and some of us accept it others hate it to their very cores. DLC has it's benefits, many of which I myself make use of but if the game sucked there is very little DLC can do to fix it(unless you completely revamp the game). So back to it..
I have talked about in previous blogs either on here or wordpress games I have played, the experiences I have had with said games. I think I ranted once about Magic Duels breaking the damn game with one of their updates(that was definitely on wordpress) because not all updates are good updates. Even if a company doesn't mean to all updates aren't created equal, I used to enjoy playing magic duels but do I really want to go back and remake EVERY deck because some how they glitched them all out? Nope but back to whether or not all downloaded content Paid DLC
Special event DLC vs micro transactions
At the end of the previous post I was talking about special events(winter festivals, year of the rooster festivals, Halloween, etc) as well as micro transactions. Like I said not all games you play are paid for, some games figure they can give you the game for free and then when you get to a certain level you are going to want to buy better equipment to either speed up your end game or else just help you cruise through certain enemies. I mentioned Killer Instinct I currently have the first 16 fighters +1 (the plus one being the free random fighter they give you changes every month or so), I got the game and all 16 fighters for free, not really on purpose more due to the fact that I look up and games with gold would be advertising season X for free and of course I enjoy the game so why not. Now I could pay 39.99 for the last 8 fighters but I don't actually play KI that often, definitely don't play it online like that(or at all). I'm sure in a few months just like they did for season 2's fighters season 3 will pop up for 10 bucks maybe I remember to get it maybe not.
Back to special events though, some games give you FREE items during said special events CoD infinite warfare definitely did with their 12 days of christmas themed event got a few guns and a few supply drops. STO had plenty of things you could play to get as well as some end of the year sales(micro transactions), Prominence Poker may have had something(too busy playing STO and CoD IW), and I'm sure Rocket League had something but as I didn't log into it I don't know. Games I enjoyed but play at various amounts for some I am sure they own every hat, skin, tire, and option for their rocket league car of Prominence avatar. Me I play when I play I win or lose accordingly and only spend whatever online gwap I won in game.
As for A la carte purchases I have made a few in Warframe AND STO, they were for frames or ships that I wanted and I am happy with the purchases in both, still well under the cost of a game so far. I also bought some for Black Ops III (one of the reasons I bought the season pass for IW), I liked the game, was playing it online a lot and didn't want to be the team mate who didn't have the map installed so that we all couldn't play where we wanted to. Speaking of which Black Ops has this new weird looking map out now. Looks like you are running around on a picnic blanket, in wonderland or something giant random objects everywhere blocks, mustard, LED lights. I think I have bought 3 map packs at 14.99 a pop it would have been cheaper(for me) to have bought the season pass I believe that is 43 bucks I invested, which is fine I didn't know how much I would enjoy it so I took the risk. Of course I could have just played on the ORIGINAL maps, nothing wrong with that but new maps are almost always fun, even after you get good at a game it leaves you with a bunch of surprises and keeps you on your toes.
How long does it take
That depends completely on the size of the content and your internet connection. I leave both of my systems in standby mode that way when an update comes down the pipe it will MOST LIKELY download it, some games you still have to tell the system to do it. If you have your friendly app though once you see a map or update is out all you have to do is use the app to tell your system:Download this. If its a small update 500 mb-2 GB then it should take anywhere from 15 to 20 minutes. Hop on a different game or else watch some TV. Larger than 2 GB you might want to start the update and then go watch some TV or something, most updates are pretty quick it takes longer to download the game(whether it be from the store OR from the disc) than to download the update and hopefully the update doesn't break anything(Wizards of the coast and Stainless Steel) and you can get back to playing your fave in no time. Most updates drop at between midnight and like 3 pm Pacific time(for Xbox) and like midnight to 10 am JST(+9 UTC) or at least that's when I notice most of mine popping off.
Sometimes you can continue playing the game in question as long as it isn't a major update. Using CoD as a reference if I am JUST downloading a map pack, then I can play on all maps except for the ones I am donwloading until they are finished installing. If you purchase a ship, gun, or skin that is USUALLY simultaneous, the second you buy it whoomp there it is. If you are impatient try to find out when they are dropping and log in to your system per your app and try to download it before you get home, as long as nothing crazy has happened with your internet should be ready the second you hit the door(unless you were 5 minutes away, then yes you will have to wait). And that is only if you want to download the DLC, some folks don't purchase it because they ain interested, and if you aren't unless you just see a cool map you want to play on you should be fine.
What is nerfing and why do people always complain about it
One of the DOWNSIDES of this constantly connected, monitored, and updated digital work is a process called Nerfing. Most people will say that because a couple of WHINER BABIES, kept blowing up social media about the fact that they suck and couldn't use a weapon/ability/item properly that the developers nerfed said weapon, ability, or device so that it wouldn't be as powerful anymore. you may hear the term OP(Over Powered) bandied about and it's mainly because someone has been stomping mudholes and chewing bubble gum, and just run out of bubble gum. It happens all the time, in Warframe there was a frame called Mag, she had an ability called pull now INITIALLY if mag equipped a certain ability card she could pull items from an extraordinary distance to where her crew of team mates were fighting. Apparently someone complained, because they decided Mag was too over powered and that ability needed to be nerfed, the developers decided that INSTEAD of letting mag pull items for EVERYONE she could only pull for herself which basically destroyed most of the reason people wanted to invite folks playing her into a party. Mag was the ultimate in area control, by pulling all the objects to herself in one spot for the whole team as long as she was located in a central area you could have all the ammo, health, and stamina packs you needed sitting right there.
It isn't just characters that are nerfed their are plenty of guns that get kaiboshed regularly usually because a large enough group of people become extraordinarily skilled with said item and other players are too hardheaded to learn. So you hear complaints of said item being OP, and people pretending they are going to stop playing the game, cheese fest, you should learn how to use a real whatever, noob, yadda yadda. When this whole first person shooter thing started there was a particular gun combination in I believe in CoD that will forever be known as "The noob tube" it was a grenade launcher that sat under the barrel of the gun, people would just be firing it and getting lucky enough to either kill a single opponent or multiples because GRENADE. Everybody used it at one point in time, it helped you get a feel for the game as well as protected your KDR( because if you could fire into the front of the crowd double triple kill here you come).
So DLC is here to say, it has it's good points it has it's bad point. Sometimes it lightens your pockets, many times it improves your experience but whether you plunk it all down up front or wait for that first bit of content to drop and them run to the store and give them 30~ more bucks, they are ready to update you.
This is my more mature blog. By mature I mean I'm going to follow some rules and I'm going to try and do more then take the easy way out. No cursing I gotta find a different way to say it and still emphatically get my point across
Primal's ponderings Headline Animator
Sunday, January 29, 2017
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