Saturday, May 7, 2011

The fine gentleman from Davis H Elliot

I know I mentioned either here or on wordpress that ever since the initial power outage and the the lack of internet or cable I've felt a little shell shocked. Well on the day we got our power back I had wanted to write a blog thanking the electricians out of Texas who got our little neighborhood back up and running

I took plenty of pictures, as we were hoping beyond hope that the evening would bring a return to normalcy:hot showers, a refrigerator, lights, TV, clean clothing, and AC. And the gentleman in the Altec trucks sporting the Elliot logos definitely did the job. They put up the new poles, strung them, replaced the fence they had taken down, tested their work and then, light.

My immediate next action will be my next blog adventures in cleaning out the fridge. I don't know about you but after 18 hours, food starts to be suspect, after 24, its a problem, and after 36 the only question is when are you gonna clean it out not if. 3 days and nights without power food was done I don't care if it was in the freezer it was already thawed out and spoiling.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's enough to piss off a goat

Me and the bredren(I may add a picture to this later if I can talk my mother into making them stand for a photo Muahahahahahaha, yes I will use my mother to further my blog. I'm the oldest that is only mildly EVIL) want to go see Thor tomorrow, Kitsune has yet to set up an e-mail so he can't complain on this blog about being forced to take a picture now that he's all anti social, now me and Lank(celebrating his 24th year last week) have never been to Imax before and were hoping to catch one of the Summer blockbusters on Imax. And with the way the trailer looked we hoped it MIGHT(y) be THOR(yeah yeah, marvel homerism in effect), but unfortunately DENIED, now maybe it will be brought to Imax later but for the sake of this blog I want to see it opening weekend(even if the review is still a day or two late. What I'm human) so we will probably hit the Paradiso tomorrow, unless Lank flakes and then I will have to try and hit The Malco 12 at the Raleigh Springs Mall for the last showing(at 7 something, seriously somebody needs to talk to them about that) Kitsune might join me he's a pretty good movie buddy, even if more mercurial than myself(and that is saying a LOT).

But Thor will happen tomorrow,  I mean I guess it sad really and being the oldest some of the blame could fall on me for us NEVER going to an Imax showing, I mean I don't really know where the Pink Palace Museum is and the regular theater was always so much closer especially for us tended to procrastinate souls. But I guess as a bonding moment we wish to experience the GLORY that is a 300 ft screen(I just want to say if I ever make it OBSCENELY rich, I'm renting it out for a few days to watch the full Star Wars saga and possibly Lord of the Rings, yes the rest of the tickets will be given to some of the local area schools so the kids can watch too if the teachers allow it, but I want to see booty kicked that tall). I don't really have a bucket list in life simply because meh I'm too random I trip over crap I want to do anyway, I've gone deep see fishing, been to Disney World a few times, been to Myrtle Beach, Atlanta, Philly, NY, etc. I mean I guess I'm so used to just ending up places that I don't plan for it I just let it come to me. But this would be a good one, so hopefully one of the summer block busters this year(hmm maybe Harry Potter since it's the last and it has been epic) and to share it with my brothers would also be good.

So anybody out there been to an IMAX viewing, how was it? Any tips on how NOT to get a crick in my naked staring at such a huge screen

Hidden Treasures

In working with electronics every once in a while you find out something that completely changes your life that is a complete accident. One of those items is the Seagate Free Agent Goflex, now no it isn't the cheapest 1TB drive out there, and the drive itself isn't what is so awesome it's the base. See you can remove the base and get a standing Sata HD docking bay. Yes for 80 bucks(less if you are a reward zone member with points stored up) whether it be desktop or laptop if you have a sata drive that you aren't sure if there is data left over on you can just pop the top of the drive off from the bottom and boom the base is free to plop any sata drive on it you wish.

Now for those who don't speak geek Sata stands for Serial Ata or Serial Advanced Technology Attachment so if you have a computer that seems to be kaput but have access to another pc or laptop, and also just so happen to own a free agent go flex(with a base similar to the one up above) just patiently pull the base straight down and it should pop off. and look like so

Make sure you got your FUNderwear on

Look I'm probably botching the hell out of that line, but with the amount of money Fast Five made this weekend  I believe it is safe to say Vin Diesel and crew definitely packed theirs.

Fast Five starts out where "Fast and Furious" ends(you know I wish they would leave the sites for the old movies up, just for us folks who MIGHT want to link to them, just saying) Dominic Toretta is in a court room about to be sentenced to 25 years in jail. though Brian O'connor has spoken up for him and Toretta has helped to bring down a heroin king pin his favorite judge can't wait to throw the book at him. Behind the bus taking Toretta to prison pulls up 3 cars, one driven by his sister Mia, one driven by O'connor, I forget who was driving the 3rd car after pulling a bus escape that would make Reggie Hammond have a flashback they escape from LA and we see Mia and Brian pull up in the 70's Charger in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's here, it's here

Summer movie season has finally arrived(though Fast Five, review to come later, has already jumped out to a first weekend box office hit) and this weekend I'll be damned if the best comic company in the world(Marvel Comics, I'm a Marvel Maniac admitted it a million times DC homers suck it)  doesn't have the first official offering of the season.

Now yes I know summer doesn't start for a few more months but basically May is when kids start to get out of school, so from May til September Studios put out there(HOPEFULLY) creme de la creme, the best they have to offer in hopes of sucking up date, allowance and chore money from teens and young adults with plenty of spare time on their hands. I mean yes they love holidays, but a holiday weekend might give you 3 or 4 days with kids with free time, summer that's everyday. Friday's offering is Thor, one of Marvel's big characters yes I know he is from Viking Mythology but The Mighty Thor has been running since before I was born, and we all know the name of his mighty hammer Mjolnir(but not how to properly say it until much much later) because of Marvel. I'm hoping this is a big summer not only are new characters gracing the silver screen for everybody(marvel is sending forth Thor and Captain America, DC is putting the Green Lantern on patrol) we're also seeing directors use some of that good will they got by making previous blockbusters to bring pet projects to life(Jon Favreau's Cowboys and Aliens). Of course the end of the Harry Potter series of movies is coming this summer, another Transformers, the guys from the Hangover are coming back, as well as a certain fuzzy panda, Pixar even has a new cars on deck(Screw cars where's the Incredibles 2 I wanna see Jack Jack kick butt) in other words if you have a DIME in your pocket the movie theater is out to get your butt in their comfy stadium seats.

I really am going to try to get to the movies every week this summer to catch all the new offerings. Thor looks good(even if we made fun of how the costumes looked at first), Captain America looks like it could be good but as I'm in my 30's forgive my skepticism Steve but I've had to grab the hurl bucket many a time for what they put out with you name on it. Transformers I am going to watch even if at the end of the released trailer it looks like they just let Prime be evil. How you kicking but all trailer long and in the last 8 seconds you get decimated, just a red and blue flash of decepticon butt kickery. Of course Cowboys & Aliens is on my list I get James Bond and Indiana Jones in the same movie, it's a 90's wett dream come true I mean no it's not Sean Connery but Daniel Craig has done a good job as 007 and well Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford. There are a couple of not so well known projects that I am thinking of seeing too Lank wants to see Real Steel, the robot ultimate fighting movie. While it looks okay, meh I want to see Optimus kicking giant robot booty.

There is also a new pirates movie this year it's supposedly a stand alone so we will see how that works out for them, the new Spiderman and Fantastic Four reboots are in the works most likely to premier next year. I've heard that there is another wolverine story coming out as well, so as long as the world doesn't end anytime soon there will be plenty of movies for me to go and see for the next 14 months.

Okay time to do the fast five review and welcome to all new readers.

Monday, May 2, 2011

The Trailers for Fast Five

You will have to forgive me it seems as of late the weather here in the mid south has been wreaking havoc in our lives, that havoc includes gipping me out of all but the newer Cowboys and Aliens preview on the movie Fast Five THOUGH, the projectionist did tell me X-men was supposedly also included.

Cowboys & Aliens

While I only saw the back half of the theatrical trailer this one seems to get more in depth into who everybody BESIDES Daniel Craigs character is and why they are fighting so hard against the alien menace. Now IF when I check this trailer on the site I see old strong Jawed indy taking and throwing punches I'm gonna be PO'ed at the credit card machines delaying my entry into the theater. It's cowboys, it's aliens, it's Harrison Ford in a freakin Fedora what more do you need?

X-men first class

I will not link this one because it's word of mouth not official.

Basically this trailer blog is gonna be a little skimpy because well I didn't see the trailers, but I did go to the movies and I can at least confirm 1 trailer for my fellow movie goers.

Next week summer movie season starts in full, lets hope it takes our breath away.

So supposedly he's dead

I'll weave my tail of my funny adventures on the way to the movies later, but it seems after 10 years, 2 wars, thousands dead and 2 presidents Osama bin Laden is dead. For the longest time he was a punchline, this person could find him, that person could find him. A few had a joke about him being Hide and Seek champion of the world. For a generation Osama Bin Laden is the name of the Boogey man, he or his subordinates are the ones who are going to come get you in the night. In the political discourse in this country because our presidents last name is so similar to bin laden's first there is a rather "quaint" poster that floats around sometimes that says "Obama Osama the differences is BS".

The pain and devastation that Bin laden introduced into our lives has been so far reaching that "before 9/11" became a catch phrase as to why we would never be innocent again, why certain simple freedoms we had come to enjoy were gone forever. For a while the events on that day united us and later divided us because not everything about the whole incident smelled right. But 1 group claimed responsibility for giving us that scar. And one man was the face of that group, Osama Bin Laden. He had struck at us a few times, but nothing every so big, so bold, or so successful. And the pain wasn't just that he hit us, no people had struck at America before, thing is we always got up and put you in the dirt afterwards. For the longest though he was not on that "we got him list", Saddam got him, Noreaga got him, Capone got him, looking back at that day if you would have asked me I would have said Bin laden would have been a dead man in a year or two. I figured he would run to ground but that we would not rest until the person who hit us so hard was a smudge.

8 years late but a smudge he is, the next question is now what. 2 wars are they over? Can our soldiers come home, those liberties we gave up because "things are different because of 9/11" can we get some of those back? Conspiracy Theories abound about what really happened that fateful September morning. And while the "head" of the snake may be dead this serpent is more hydra than boa constrictor. We have many more cells to break up, copy cats to rub out, and ambitious 2nds and 3rds in command who will hope to take his place. But we can now say this "take his place if you want to, but just like him touch us and justice will be served"


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