Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Update. Show all posts

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Hi, how ya been. This world is a strange and sometimes cruel place isn't it

 The last post published on this page knew nothing of covid, it had 3 siblings, one niece, and was chronicling a guy on a pretty decent journey to improve his health.

Then 2020 happened, the world shuts down. I say my health can wait because we can't really go outside ANY DAMN WAY. So I trade my salads for whatever damn thing I want to eat, No more smoothies just whatever I felt like eating and just going with the flow. Then the end of the year happened, and Eikichi goes down. I don't know if I've really gotten over this because, how does the youngest go first. Me the former Nihilist, the guy who can't stand sunshine, and could darken a rainbow is still here and the funshine guy is gone. I am still kicking myself because, as an older sibling my last thoughts were being annoyed with him. Because I knew it was gonna be okay, I just knew it. Not one of us, we are tougher than that. Until we weren't, and devastation is an understatement. Okay, I got two nieces including one who's dad is no longer here and I gotta be strong for. So here we go, munchkins second birthday but no dad. And oddly enough she gains an aversion to the birthday song. 

My nieces are little bundles of energy and joy. One of them loves to hug you, the other one judges you with harsh eyes that belie a lovely smile(That I rarely see, unless she is stealing my drink). So as the hug Mooches birthday approaches, my sister is in a tizzy, why because she wants my nieces birthday to be a big deal. She is who she is, she has her issues but hey how can I be mad she wants her nieces birthday to be a big thing. And then she doesn't make it. I wake up to the news that she passed in the night, and now there are two. Frank the Tank and the Lankness monster, who is probably tired of me telling him to wait his turn. Like I know survivors remorse is a thing, but MAN is it a heavy weight to carry. Oh yes I have done PLENTY of fun things since the last blog I ever published, hell since the last blog I ever wrote(It's in drafts on this blog). Truth of the matter is though, The pen has fallen silent, the music has kind of stopped. The entertainers are no longer on the stage, and while it may sound dramatic it is true. While we are all "cut ups" to be sure, Eikichi was the only one to actual be a part of theater/drama club and the Auntie was the one who did all the other performance type special activities. She actually took art courses, so yeah I think it is really safe to say that "the performers are no longer on stage." I don't know where I was going with this. I mean since I had done the work to fix the tags and stuff, I didn't feel like editing the last post I created(I need to edit it and WHEW do I not know what I was talking about) so I just did I hi, I'm here. I'm not back but I am alive. Let us see where the world takes me now. Oh and you can always check out my youtube or tik toks. I'll give you two guesses what's in the name ;)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Dead week

Well not completely a dead week. I haven't tried to post from my phone since wednesday when my phone ate a blog (I swear). Anyway I have some PC's to reload I have the X-men post to write (or at least start), then its off for probably the 4pm showing of Super 8. I think, I didn't even check to see if they had super 8.

Hmmmmm that's weird I don't see any showtimes listed for today at all. Oh well that means I have to walk down there and check with no clue as to if im wasting my time. Hopefully not but if so meh I've needed to get off my but anyway. I was doing a Post about River Song last night, fell asleep didn't finiah it. If you're a fellow Doctor who fan I'm sure your like OMG talk about a good build up. I mean all the, *tires screeching* let me not co-opt this one too. Anyway so I have that post to finish as well.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

MAY be I will

Wow looks like May was the second most productive month to date here on the ponderings, 50 posts wow I wasn't really keeping count I like it though. Its X day, whether with my brothers or solo I'm going to see X-men:First Class today. Now being a comic book movie of course X-men has a built in fan base AND the highest knowledgeable critic base possible. You want to know why The Last Airbender was panned so quickly, EVERYBODY knew how the story was supposed to go save M. Night Shamalan.

Now sometimes you can get a MINI pass if you can touch a part of a comics/Cartoons fan base that has seen an older or DIFFERENT version of the story before(yes I'm talking about Schumacher's Batman Forever), but even that will only get you so much rope(thus Batman & Robin being so hated). I understand its Hollywood, and that Hollywood Conventional Wisdom is different than everyone elses but hey Dragonball Evolution don't you think if you take a property with a 20+ year American fan base that you should at least WATCH THE SHOW. I mean I know there is no idea like a well worn proven idea(*cough* Transformers we think we have sucked the life out of every animation style and possible story reboot possible*cough*) mmmm scuse me ah ah ah (*achoo GI we don't know how its possible but we took a cartoon about a high tech military special forces group and made the new cartoons suck oo* *sniff*), wow excuse me my allergies must be acting up.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Due to the extremely raunchy nature

I've decided to cut myself a break and do the Hangover 2 blog on wordpress so I can do the movie justice. It was funny as hell but come on, how in the hell do you expect me to do it justice when half of the best lines are illegal by the guidelines of this blog can't do it. It was one of those movies where ya laughed but never spoke of it again.

The hangover 2 felt that Doctor Manhattan wasn't enough in the movies, we need mutliple full frontal shots because we're a comedy. And they never stopped. So I'll link this post to the appropriate wordpress post later once I'm finished, I hope everyone has a great day

Friday, May 27, 2011

Item 1 of the weekend agenda is completed

This will be a busy weekend, Kung Fu Panda 2 and The Hangover 2 just hit theaters, my cousins birthday party is tonight, and its Memorial Day weekend which means I may char and smoke some flesh. Its a daunting line up to say the least, I just got done watching Panda and I'm writing this entry walking so thing one is in a box and thing two is in the reticle.

My cousins birthday party, now to some this may seem silly, but as I usually Bartend his parties its a little more involved than just that of a normal party goer. Now the usual toast of the party is a Tequila sunrise, made with pineapple not orange juice. A few Amaretto Sours may touch some lips and maybe a Buttery Nipple or two. I may shake up a martini or two who knows I'll write a blog from the party and let y'all know how it went.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The more you know

As of late I have been feeling a little subconscious about the length of my posts when it comes to you know how you see them on the web when you first log in, well a little something I had been ignoring: the jump break. I know other bloggers who say after the jump, and I see it(of course USUALLY I have gone to their link directly so I rarely notice it) and I'm like umm what jump. They meant this jump

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Raw postings lately

Some of the raw posts you see popping up from me as of late are because I was doing it from my phone with no net access or power. Others are because I want it at least up first just in case there is an issue I'll fix it later.

Now for those wondering what I mean by "raw" is basically as is when created. Photos all clumped up at the top, no links, possibly no labels, no further info than what was in my head while I was tapping my keypad. I "borrowed" the term from the anime sites I'm known to visit. When an anime is first uploaded and no subtitles have been added the anime is posted with the caption *Raw*, that's a warning that if you don't speak Japanese or the native language of the show you just gonna have to wait. You can watch to see the action but you'll have no clue as to why things are popping off.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's here, it's here

Summer movie season has finally arrived(though Fast Five, review to come later, has already jumped out to a first weekend box office hit) and this weekend I'll be damned if the best comic company in the world(Marvel Comics, I'm a Marvel Maniac admitted it a million times DC homers suck it)  doesn't have the first official offering of the season.

Now yes I know summer doesn't start for a few more months but basically May is when kids start to get out of school, so from May til September Studios put out there(HOPEFULLY) creme de la creme, the best they have to offer in hopes of sucking up date, allowance and chore money from teens and young adults with plenty of spare time on their hands. I mean yes they love holidays, but a holiday weekend might give you 3 or 4 days with kids with free time, summer that's everyday. Friday's offering is Thor, one of Marvel's big characters yes I know he is from Viking Mythology but The Mighty Thor has been running since before I was born, and we all know the name of his mighty hammer Mjolnir(but not how to properly say it until much much later) because of Marvel. I'm hoping this is a big summer not only are new characters gracing the silver screen for everybody(marvel is sending forth Thor and Captain America, DC is putting the Green Lantern on patrol) we're also seeing directors use some of that good will they got by making previous blockbusters to bring pet projects to life(Jon Favreau's Cowboys and Aliens). Of course the end of the Harry Potter series of movies is coming this summer, another Transformers, the guys from the Hangover are coming back, as well as a certain fuzzy panda, Pixar even has a new cars on deck(Screw cars where's the Incredibles 2 I wanna see Jack Jack kick butt) in other words if you have a DIME in your pocket the movie theater is out to get your butt in their comfy stadium seats.

I really am going to try to get to the movies every week this summer to catch all the new offerings. Thor looks good(even if we made fun of how the costumes looked at first), Captain America looks like it could be good but as I'm in my 30's forgive my skepticism Steve but I've had to grab the hurl bucket many a time for what they put out with you name on it. Transformers I am going to watch even if at the end of the released trailer it looks like they just let Prime be evil. How you kicking but all trailer long and in the last 8 seconds you get decimated, just a red and blue flash of decepticon butt kickery. Of course Cowboys & Aliens is on my list I get James Bond and Indiana Jones in the same movie, it's a 90's wett dream come true I mean no it's not Sean Connery but Daniel Craig has done a good job as 007 and well Harrison Ford is Harrison Ford. There are a couple of not so well known projects that I am thinking of seeing too Lank wants to see Real Steel, the robot ultimate fighting movie. While it looks okay, meh I want to see Optimus kicking giant robot booty.

There is also a new pirates movie this year it's supposedly a stand alone so we will see how that works out for them, the new Spiderman and Fantastic Four reboots are in the works most likely to premier next year. I've heard that there is another wolverine story coming out as well, so as long as the world doesn't end anytime soon there will be plenty of movies for me to go and see for the next 14 months.

Okay time to do the fast five review and welcome to all new readers.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

No Power Day 2

Well first this morning I got an update:power will not be restored until saturday at the earliest. This being thursday of course I'm in an extremely cheerful mood. So that means 2 more days of cold showers MINIMUM, no html updates for my blog(doing them in these phone editors is a big no no), no checking to see how many folks visited, no watching my favorite animes, nor my favorite pornos(or soon to be favorite *wink wink* *nudge nudge*), no easily charging my phones, keeping up with my favorite shows(which I usually catch on the net anyway). I think I'm gonna let a friend start critiqueing my blog. I respect her enough that while im sure the number of "red marks" I get will be vast it will be out of love not grammar naziness.

I know I haven't done the "weight loss journey" blogs like I was supposed to do and now without the lights its hard to keep up with my workouts. If I can't see how can I make sure 1. The band isn't breaking 2. I'm hitting the right angle 3. I have enough room. I may try it anyway tonight two days break is enough. And my diet sucks now can't cook because we have an electric stove, so its all fast food.

Another thing to add to my list of things I need to get: a notepad, a sketchpad, pencils, pens, and either colored pencils or pens. I told a friend I would start drawing and trying to write again and I am going to do that. I must fight my procrastination streak likes its the plague.

What can I say this week and the loss of my access to. Y digital lifestyle is lighting a fire under my behind. There will be a movie blog this week, my boss will be pissed but saturday is gonna have a cut off time. As for my personal life, well its rocky, you want to know ask, simply put I ramble on but personal matters I can just blast for hours so I prefer to make that precision not scattershot.

The Reason for the extended power outage was a power pole snapping and then a tree falling across other lines. Needless to say I could really do a blog the differences between blackberry's and this motorola backflip now battery life is a sore spot right now the Crackberry burns strong, the android not so much. Great features just lousy battery life for now.

That's a future blog though, stone age status has me trying to put it all in my blog in this one shot, and of course I have to publish them all raw, yeah loving that right now. Anyway for those stopping by thanks, for my fellow Memphians still without power I hope MLGW remembers this come bill time(and the lack of national news coverage is annoying)
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Running, running, running

Hello my dear readers I know I still have yet to do the "Hanna" blog it has been a hectic week. I will do it tonight(possibly on this car trip since I'm gonna miss Smallville), I've had to deal with a hack attempt on my computer(which failed mostly, they fried my safe mode I haven't had time to find the registry prompts yet to repair it), had a few late nights, still haven't gotten over my Collergy, but I did find my backflip(it was in the damn front yard).

I've been rained on a few times this week, I've read a few blog entries by others, I have mildly been getting my tumble on. I have gone back to my sporadic Tweeting(and killed my cousins car charger). I am pondering giving Ero his own section of the ponderings, I want to nurture my baby brothers wit and curiosity. He'll just have to obey the rules if he wants to do it. Posting only,(means I'll have to start editing for real) its still my blog he wants to do it, likes it and wants full control he'll have to start his own blog.


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