Hey everybody as I just saw another wreck please slow it down and pay attention. I understand how it feels not to be near the one(s) you love(hell wish I could get on the road tonight) but storming through while everyone else is on edge trying to rush is a recipe for accidents and unnecessary pain.
I've been there, and trust me rental places ain got no sympathy on you. If you need to rent a car and have to go home those rates will be a back breaker. Your vacation means nothing to them, you need wheels and you gotta pay them, that's all they know. (And I say this while riding with my speed demon cousin and knowing how infamous I was from Jeruz to DE speed limit pfft starting point ;) )
So yeah everybody have a great thanksgiving and arrive safely. I hope moms, grandmoms, auntie, whoevers cooking remembers your favorite dish and your favorite dessert and that you get some before its all gone. Send ya boy a plate and if you got sweet potato, lemon meringue, Pecan, or some banging chocolate pie Holla at ya boy.
I'll see if I can get my wife to send me some photos of her, her mom and her sisters.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
This is my more mature blog. By mature I mean I'm going to follow some rules and I'm going to try and do more then take the easy way out. No cursing I gotta find a different way to say it and still emphatically get my point across
Primal's ponderings Headline Animator
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I'm sleepy as hell right now. I slept last night but I guess I slept wrong or just didn't really rest because I'm still tired, not "I'm a gremlin I hate daylight" tired but I haven't slept in X amount of days tired(and I've been there and done that. A few times for work, a few times goofing off).
Welp I just got hit by "smelling salts" so the tiredness is gone. Yup I need a vacation, to hell with nobodies business I'm telling the world I need a vacation. I need to go enjoy some Georgia thickness and Carolina hospitality. I wasn't in any mood before but now I'm annoyed.
As "personable" as I keep my blog I really don't "spill" so while I won't give the reason for the trip I'm glad my wife arrived at her destination safely(I may add a picture of her later). She may be planning to do a much faster turn around than I would like but if I want to be all preachy and concerned I should be there to give her another option right, right. I ain so I can just stick that in my pipe and smoke it.
Another around the M-town day I guess, I'm supposedly going to be dropped of with cuz so we'll see how my day shakes out
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Welp I just got hit by "smelling salts" so the tiredness is gone. Yup I need a vacation, to hell with nobodies business I'm telling the world I need a vacation. I need to go enjoy some Georgia thickness and Carolina hospitality. I wasn't in any mood before but now I'm annoyed.
As "personable" as I keep my blog I really don't "spill" so while I won't give the reason for the trip I'm glad my wife arrived at her destination safely(I may add a picture of her later). She may be planning to do a much faster turn around than I would like but if I want to be all preachy and concerned I should be there to give her another option right, right. I ain so I can just stick that in my pipe and smoke it.
Another around the M-town day I guess, I'm supposedly going to be dropped of with cuz so we'll see how my day shakes out
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
I thought we already did the Dr. Strangelove thing
I mean isn't that image burned into all of our minds if nothing else dude riding the missile off into the sunset before it explodes(I have actually never seen the whole movie but I know every time I hear about stupidity in the nuclear age I see that picture in my mind) and it had the subtitle of "When I learned to stop worrying and to love the bomb". I don't love the bomb, hell not only that but I just spent a good 20+ years of my life hearing about how we had to beat back the red menace, and keep a handle on Russian Nukes.
So what do I hear on the news since the election: Senator John Kyl of Arizona is blocking the new S.T.A.R.T treaty. To quote a popular twitter phrase "Where they do that at", these are the russians you know the guys back in 2008 we had to hear about Putin, the KGB in his eyes and how we had to be tough on him. I'm wondering if that good old adage of "do as we say not as we do" needs to start being floated around, actually it's "neither do as we say or as we do". I'm sorry maybe I don't see the big picture but as an American first(I may have dash status but I was still born here) and a democrat second as long as the plan is solid stopping an enemy OR preventing cheating or "loose"(lets be real they aren't loose they are missing) nukes is a good deal all around.
I mean I don't want to test the Nuclear Winter theory, I don't want to see if there really is a John Connors out there who can save us from the machines(or our own stupidity for short term political gain), how many times do we have to see, hear about and read this story. When you get too drunk with power you allow your enemy to overtake you from without. I know conservatives are the masters of the Pyrrhic Victory but damn, exactly what do you have to gain but going on overdrive to destroy the country? Did you forget you only had 1 house of congress and that there is still a president and a senate. Hell if we can get an up and down vote even if it's 50-50 we hold the white house let us go ahead and have Biden put us over the top.
I mean I didn't forget the Clinton years so I guess Obama better be honest about his damn Golf Score and make sure he has his toes behind the 3 point line. He better be ready to not only produce his birth certificate but show that he didn't have gay sex with that dude he was high and SURE he had sex with Obama back in the day. I know that the whole Impeachment Proceedings were tainted last time because they impeached Clinton over a blow job(I don't care what you say a man not wanting to talk about his infidelity towards his wife ain new in Washington, if you aren't going home every other week and you have young attractive MALE or FEMALE staffers and don't have a HIGH air plane ticket bill you stickin SOMETHING local), making it seem like the FORMERLY dire and solemn duty of the congress to police the executive could be used to basically just drag a political opponent through the mud.
Really I mean that's what people elected to office, a bunch of folks who want to really live out the Jerry Springer show in DC. Is it because in your Brewster's Millions future you just know if you punish the "liberals" when you get you comeuppance your life will be all milk and honey and you want have to pay a dime for money YOU didn't personally work to own but will hopefully be given. What happened to all that talk about boot strapping and pulling yourself up and working hard for your own success, oh wait that was just towards everybody else.
I'm sorry but while MAD is supposed to be this BIG deterrent and you know I'm gonna die, your gonna die it's a tie/stalemate/we're all screwed HELLO it probably has nothing to do with me, it's a diplomatic pissing contest in which 9 times outta 10 if it was a regular person on the street somebody would have gotten their butt whipped and we could have called it a day and got some damn drinks. Again the idiots who push the button yes they are gonna die, but they are gonna take the rest of us with them. How is that you know SMART? You don't like somebody else's politics so you see this "Big Evil" over on the other side of the world that you SWEAR it is in our best interest as a country to keep our eyes on and not give them an inch and you just wanna leave the damn door open and say "Clean up when you're done, I'd watch you but *snap* I just remembered this 2 for 1 sale at the local mega mart" O rly? 0_o Hell anybody who played call of duty Modern Warfare 2 there was a nuke in you could get 25 kills in a row and if you were on the losing team but you could rack up those 25 kills in a losing effort, guess what you could blow everybody to kingdom come and get a medal for basically stopping the bleeding. In Black Ops you just gotta take it, I've administered so 4000 point butt whoopins, I've had to take a few too where you just couldn't get your bullets on somebody's behind(or you semtex arrow, damn I need to finish that other Black ops blog). You die, they die game is over and whoever had the most kills when the bomb dropped TECHNICALLY gets the win, but guess what WE ALL DIE. I personally REALLY don't want to see the real life version of that, I haven't ever wanted to see the real life version of some of the "never gonna happen" scenarios that have happened in both recent and distant history.
Now yeah I could link the hell out of this and get a whole bunch of data to support you know "Why NOT to play around with a nuclear arms reduction treaty" but if I really gotta go into that much detail to get you to understand NUCLEAR WEAPONS are a bad thing, is there really anything we COULD talk about. I don't want to glow in the dark, I don't want the sperm I shot on my last masturbating session to glow in the dark, not my brothers or mothers dog, not little Timmy's fish, not Suzies cat, Not Lenny's frog, Not Randy's ferret NOTHING should glow in the dark unless it's a damn glow in the dark shrinky dink(brings back memories right, yeah yeah I'm old
They still make SHRINKY DINKS, I'm talking little pieces of whatever fabric that is cook them in the oven SHRINKY DINKS, nah I ain sleep, this ain bizarro world and no I can't fly Okay, wow man shrinky dinks I thought those things would have been dead in the Digital Age.
but yeah I don't want to glow in the dark. I mean why can't they move on to the next thing, where's our plasma powered weapons and engines at, where's my dilithium crystals at. Why aren't we trying to hit WARP 9 Mr. Sulu, where are my Photon Torpedoes and our Phasers set to "stun"(set yours to stun all you want me and Eddie Griffin are of like minds, if you're the last alien and you acting all hostile your species is now extinct). I know there is a lot of money to be made sitting in the now(because you know we have already figured out how to do this, so even though I might make LOADS more money doing something new up front I'm lazy, I don't want to have to pay for it) I'm not some clueless ideologue I just know that just like I prefer my tiny blackberry as compared to that HUGE mobile phone with the attached shoulder bag, or my flat screen TV, Flat screen monitor with my computer 250 GB hard drive(Which is small if I'm willing to shell out the bucks I can get a 4 TB, just saying ain technology grand).
It is time to move on people, lets get this treaty done and fine new and more EFFECTIVE ways to lay each other out. Sad ain it, but at least THAT might peak some interests peace, nah peace isn't a good incentive not enough MONEY in peace for some
So what do I hear on the news since the election: Senator John Kyl of Arizona is blocking the new S.T.A.R.T treaty. To quote a popular twitter phrase "Where they do that at", these are the russians you know the guys back in 2008 we had to hear about Putin, the KGB in his eyes and how we had to be tough on him. I'm wondering if that good old adage of "do as we say not as we do" needs to start being floated around, actually it's "neither do as we say or as we do". I'm sorry maybe I don't see the big picture but as an American first(I may have dash status but I was still born here) and a democrat second as long as the plan is solid stopping an enemy OR preventing cheating or "loose"(lets be real they aren't loose they are missing) nukes is a good deal all around.
I mean I don't want to test the Nuclear Winter theory, I don't want to see if there really is a John Connors out there who can save us from the machines(or our own stupidity for short term political gain), how many times do we have to see, hear about and read this story. When you get too drunk with power you allow your enemy to overtake you from without. I know conservatives are the masters of the Pyrrhic Victory but damn, exactly what do you have to gain but going on overdrive to destroy the country? Did you forget you only had 1 house of congress and that there is still a president and a senate. Hell if we can get an up and down vote even if it's 50-50 we hold the white house let us go ahead and have Biden put us over the top.
I mean I didn't forget the Clinton years so I guess Obama better be honest about his damn Golf Score and make sure he has his toes behind the 3 point line. He better be ready to not only produce his birth certificate but show that he didn't have gay sex with that dude he was high and SURE he had sex with Obama back in the day. I know that the whole Impeachment Proceedings were tainted last time because they impeached Clinton over a blow job(I don't care what you say a man not wanting to talk about his infidelity towards his wife ain new in Washington, if you aren't going home every other week and you have young attractive MALE or FEMALE staffers and don't have a HIGH air plane ticket bill you stickin SOMETHING local), making it seem like the FORMERLY dire and solemn duty of the congress to police the executive could be used to basically just drag a political opponent through the mud.
Really I mean that's what people elected to office, a bunch of folks who want to really live out the Jerry Springer show in DC. Is it because in your Brewster's Millions future you just know if you punish the "liberals" when you get you comeuppance your life will be all milk and honey and you want have to pay a dime for money YOU didn't personally work to own but will hopefully be given. What happened to all that talk about boot strapping and pulling yourself up and working hard for your own success, oh wait that was just towards everybody else.
I'm sorry but while MAD is supposed to be this BIG deterrent and you know I'm gonna die, your gonna die it's a tie/stalemate/we're all screwed HELLO it probably has nothing to do with me, it's a diplomatic pissing contest in which 9 times outta 10 if it was a regular person on the street somebody would have gotten their butt whipped and we could have called it a day and got some damn drinks. Again the idiots who push the button yes they are gonna die, but they are gonna take the rest of us with them. How is that you know SMART? You don't like somebody else's politics so you see this "Big Evil" over on the other side of the world that you SWEAR it is in our best interest as a country to keep our eyes on and not give them an inch and you just wanna leave the damn door open and say "Clean up when you're done, I'd watch you but *snap* I just remembered this 2 for 1 sale at the local mega mart" O rly? 0_o Hell anybody who played call of duty Modern Warfare 2 there was a nuke in you could get 25 kills in a row and if you were on the losing team but you could rack up those 25 kills in a losing effort, guess what you could blow everybody to kingdom come and get a medal for basically stopping the bleeding. In Black Ops you just gotta take it, I've administered so 4000 point butt whoopins, I've had to take a few too where you just couldn't get your bullets on somebody's behind(or you semtex arrow, damn I need to finish that other Black ops blog). You die, they die game is over and whoever had the most kills when the bomb dropped TECHNICALLY gets the win, but guess what WE ALL DIE. I personally REALLY don't want to see the real life version of that, I haven't ever wanted to see the real life version of some of the "never gonna happen" scenarios that have happened in both recent and distant history.
Now yeah I could link the hell out of this and get a whole bunch of data to support you know "Why NOT to play around with a nuclear arms reduction treaty" but if I really gotta go into that much detail to get you to understand NUCLEAR WEAPONS are a bad thing, is there really anything we COULD talk about. I don't want to glow in the dark, I don't want the sperm I shot on my last masturbating session to glow in the dark, not my brothers or mothers dog, not little Timmy's fish, not Suzies cat, Not Lenny's frog, Not Randy's ferret NOTHING should glow in the dark unless it's a damn glow in the dark shrinky dink(brings back memories right, yeah yeah I'm old
They still make SHRINKY DINKS, I'm talking little pieces of whatever fabric that is cook them in the oven SHRINKY DINKS, nah I ain sleep, this ain bizarro world and no I can't fly Okay, wow man shrinky dinks I thought those things would have been dead in the Digital Age.
but yeah I don't want to glow in the dark. I mean why can't they move on to the next thing, where's our plasma powered weapons and engines at, where's my dilithium crystals at. Why aren't we trying to hit WARP 9 Mr. Sulu, where are my Photon Torpedoes and our Phasers set to "stun"(set yours to stun all you want me and Eddie Griffin are of like minds, if you're the last alien and you acting all hostile your species is now extinct). I know there is a lot of money to be made sitting in the now(because you know we have already figured out how to do this, so even though I might make LOADS more money doing something new up front I'm lazy, I don't want to have to pay for it) I'm not some clueless ideologue I just know that just like I prefer my tiny blackberry as compared to that HUGE mobile phone with the attached shoulder bag, or my flat screen TV, Flat screen monitor with my computer 250 GB hard drive(Which is small if I'm willing to shell out the bucks I can get a 4 TB, just saying ain technology grand).
It is time to move on people, lets get this treaty done and fine new and more EFFECTIVE ways to lay each other out. Sad ain it, but at least THAT might peak some interests peace, nah peace isn't a good incentive not enough MONEY in peace for some
Been playing gopher for most of the day
And I was working on a blog about Smallville(which I'll add the links to later) thus why this blog is being kicked out so late. It was a pretty ho hum night, shot a few people, watched some anime, watched some porn, washed my clothes and hit the sack.
Mundanity in my life looks like that, yes I usually get dropped into hilarious situations due to my current occupation, as well as hit some off the wall locales but when its boring its boring. I tend to see some of the weirdest things and here some of the lamest excuses. It seems in these hard times not only are more people resorting to larcenous acts(if it ain a word it is now keep up) but senseless violence is also up. A guy begging for money got shot in the back at a site I'm banned from.
I'm banned from a site? Yup, why no clue don't ask me what dude thinks I said or did to him, but I don't give a damn if you're not man enough to speak to me when there is a potential misunderstanding I don't have time for your petulant outbursts. Banning me from your store is usually a bad idea as I'm the tech, there are only 2 of us. And 95% of the time if it all goes south at your store I'm the one who does the incident CD's.
Now as I know who I am at work(as long as you don't try to act like I'm dumb or piss on me and try to pretend its raining) thus my professionalism in MOST CASES is undeniable. Especially between me and him, I've never said a sideways word to him. I guess he thought he heard, he said/she said, who knows what and I don't care. You wanna wait wait, that is fully your right and choice but don't get mad when you are low man on the Totem pole.
I have no clue how the rest of this day is gonna play out and as thanksgiving is in two days I seriously need burn calories before I stuff my face. I hope everyone has a great holiday and that your loved ones arrive safely to good food and better memories
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Mundanity in my life looks like that, yes I usually get dropped into hilarious situations due to my current occupation, as well as hit some off the wall locales but when its boring its boring. I tend to see some of the weirdest things and here some of the lamest excuses. It seems in these hard times not only are more people resorting to larcenous acts(if it ain a word it is now keep up) but senseless violence is also up. A guy begging for money got shot in the back at a site I'm banned from.
I'm banned from a site? Yup, why no clue don't ask me what dude thinks I said or did to him, but I don't give a damn if you're not man enough to speak to me when there is a potential misunderstanding I don't have time for your petulant outbursts. Banning me from your store is usually a bad idea as I'm the tech, there are only 2 of us. And 95% of the time if it all goes south at your store I'm the one who does the incident CD's.
Now as I know who I am at work(as long as you don't try to act like I'm dumb or piss on me and try to pretend its raining) thus my professionalism in MOST CASES is undeniable. Especially between me and him, I've never said a sideways word to him. I guess he thought he heard, he said/she said, who knows what and I don't care. You wanna wait wait, that is fully your right and choice but don't get mad when you are low man on the Totem pole.
I have no clue how the rest of this day is gonna play out and as thanksgiving is in two days I seriously need burn calories before I stuff my face. I hope everyone has a great holiday and that your loved ones arrive safely to good food and better memories
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Smallville 10th season Final villain
I missed the season opener so I didn't see how it all began with the season premier but I now know the climax:Darkseid(lol damn near said Apocalypse but that's marvel, their damn near the same character though). In "Abandoned" Granny Goodness and "her girls" showed up(no Barda though so that kinda sucked. They did have Lash and the Knife girl though).
They have also shown that Superman(not yet in name and no flapping cape yet but damn near) is not immune to his abilities. Superman and Darkseid always have knock down, drag out battles. Darkseid is the iron fisted God of(I'll look it up later, I think the planet is called Apocalypse in DC, nope its Apokolips just looked it up) and with his servants he often rains pain onto earths heroes.
Its the last season, who knows how many episodes left so I doubt they will get into as much depth with the characters as they could have if they decided to say go for 3 more seasons. I just finished the "Patriot" episode and saw them "create" Deathstroke(as I mentioned in the previous blog the character upon which Marvel Fan Favorite DeadPool was based) though from what they showed he looked more like cartoon networks Slade more than the classic comic book costume but you only get to see the riveted in eye patch on his left eye, and his shoulders. Of course since Smallville tends to use darker colored costumes so the deep/burnt orange and black leather probably works better than the spandex black and red.
So yeah as far as villains are concerned they have done damn near everyone one:Zod, MXYZPTLK, Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Bizarro, Doomsday and I think they also did a few magical enemies as well. They've introduced a bunch of heroes Zatana, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Impulse(not yet the Flash), Cyborg, Supergirl, Jonn Jonz(martian manhunter), Hawkman, Dr. Fate, and a few low level heroes. We've seen Jimmy Olsen, Lana Lang, Perry White, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Tess Mercer(I don't know if Tess is supposed to be Lex's assistant/personal Bodyguard Mercy from the cartoon series). Over the course of the series though they have done a pretty good job of making sure any and all characters introduced not only fit in the storyline but for the most part made sense. A few looked a little out of sorts outta costume and the "wonder twins" were just a waste. If you are gonna use two characters EVERYBODY KNOWS just use them and don't worry about the silliness of their powers and who they are.
I like the way they are winding it down though can't wait to see how long before the Red and Blue is finally being Worn by Tom Welling.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
I'm going to give them a pass on the wonder twins(if you ever wonder why there is writing BELOW the sent via it's because I'm adding something I learned later not doing the original typing of the blog. I don't count spelling checks I admit I need to do in the blog or link addage to the blog as "new content") in like season 4 or 5 there were two bald headed mutated twins who 1 of the on screen baddies called "The Wonder twins" and like the ACTUAL wonder twins they had to touch together for their powers to work. But it seems Zan and Jayna the way I expected to see them made an appearance in season 9(I have to go catch up on my box sets) so again they get a pass on Zan and Jayna until I see the Wonder Twins as claimed to BE the Wonder Twins
They have also shown that Superman(not yet in name and no flapping cape yet but damn near) is not immune to his abilities. Superman and Darkseid always have knock down, drag out battles. Darkseid is the iron fisted God of(I'll look it up later, I think the planet is called Apocalypse in DC, nope its Apokolips just looked it up) and with his servants he often rains pain onto earths heroes.
Its the last season, who knows how many episodes left so I doubt they will get into as much depth with the characters as they could have if they decided to say go for 3 more seasons. I just finished the "Patriot" episode and saw them "create" Deathstroke(as I mentioned in the previous blog the character upon which Marvel Fan Favorite DeadPool was based) though from what they showed he looked more like cartoon networks Slade more than the classic comic book costume but you only get to see the riveted in eye patch on his left eye, and his shoulders. Of course since Smallville tends to use darker colored costumes so the deep/burnt orange and black leather probably works better than the spandex black and red.
So yeah as far as villains are concerned they have done damn near everyone one:Zod, MXYZPTLK, Brainiac, Lex Luthor, Bizarro, Doomsday and I think they also did a few magical enemies as well. They've introduced a bunch of heroes Zatana, Green Arrow, Aquaman, Impulse(not yet the Flash), Cyborg, Supergirl, Jonn Jonz(martian manhunter), Hawkman, Dr. Fate, and a few low level heroes. We've seen Jimmy Olsen, Lana Lang, Perry White, Lois Lane, Lex Luthor, Lionel Luthor, Tess Mercer(I don't know if Tess is supposed to be Lex's assistant/personal Bodyguard Mercy from the cartoon series). Over the course of the series though they have done a pretty good job of making sure any and all characters introduced not only fit in the storyline but for the most part made sense. A few looked a little out of sorts outta costume and the "wonder twins" were just a waste. If you are gonna use two characters EVERYBODY KNOWS just use them and don't worry about the silliness of their powers and who they are.
I like the way they are winding it down though can't wait to see how long before the Red and Blue is finally being Worn by Tom Welling.
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
I'm going to give them a pass on the wonder twins(if you ever wonder why there is writing BELOW the sent via it's because I'm adding something I learned later not doing the original typing of the blog. I don't count spelling checks I admit I need to do in the blog or link addage to the blog as "new content") in like season 4 or 5 there were two bald headed mutated twins who 1 of the on screen baddies called "The Wonder twins" and like the ACTUAL wonder twins they had to touch together for their powers to work. But it seems Zan and Jayna the way I expected to see them made an appearance in season 9(I have to go catch up on my box sets) so again they get a pass on Zan and Jayna until I see the Wonder Twins as claimed to BE the Wonder Twins
Monday, November 22, 2010
Its monday *grumble* pass the grande, nonfat, 2 hit, blah blah blah
Okay I'm teasing I'm not a coffee person so I really have NO CLUE how that order really foes. I'm a Tea or Hot chocolate kinda guy, coffee is just too bitter for me and always has been.
Two prime time games in a row, against dividion opponents and we kicked butt. 3 great QB's in a row and we still come out on top(Donovan Mcnabb is a great QB, he doesn't get his due because for some even though he had inferior recievers for MOST of his career no superbowl no respect) our defense bent, didn't break and we played some damn good exciting football.
I have no clue how today is going to go, I'm thinking of going to see "Faster" with Dwayne Johnson. Baby Bro has been going in on The Rock because of:"The Gameplan"(the green Leotard hurt his soul), "The Toothfairy"(yeah a "freakishly large" human being in a TuTu is a NO NO) and "Race to Witch Mountain"(I guess he didn't like the original) but I'm gonna say one thing on that YOU CAN'T BEAT DISNEY MONEY $$$ cha ching.
I'm saying when's the last time you hurt Kurt Russel having money problems, Jodey Foster, or Julie Andrews(Mary Poppins)? Exactly Disney money never runs out(which is a good thing for Marvel Comics, please get the DeadPool movie right).
Speaking of DeadPool the character who was the inspiration for the merc with the mouth Slade Wilson was on Smallville Friday so I can't wait to watch the episode online tomorrow. Yes I am a Smallville fan it now has to rank as the best superhero TV show it has outlasted "The Flash", "Heroes", that mutant show on fox, "birds of prey", "The Mantis", "The Incredible Hulk", "Spiderman", "Doctor Strange" and I believe the original Adam West and Burt Ward Batman Series(of course I will have to check on that and will adjust this comment accordingly). Now some have mentioned they don't like it because the "symbolism" is off. Every Superhero has a trademark(or 3) spiderman has the Red spider, the mask with the white eyes and black outline, the webs; Batman has the bat, the cape and cowl, the batarangs(which are usually bat shaped but are still seperate items). Superman has the Spit curl(which you know Tom Welling has yet to sport), the blue and red tights, the red and yellow "S" on his chest, red and yellow cape. And as I have mentioned before I felt it was short sighted for the creators to say in the first season you wouldn't see Tom Welling running around in Blue and Red tights.
Um Hello! Sooner or later IF the show is a success and goes on for more than say 4 seasons(Smallville starts With Clark Kent in high school) he is going to BE the hero. And I know how comic fans could be, the statement was made I'm sure to make it seem like it wasn't going to be a cheap costume show where it was all about drawing in comic fans seeing the symbols while not paying attention to the story. Thing is sooner or later he has to fly and he has to become superman. Now they have cheated Clark Kent as "the Blur" is running around in the Black and Silver Kryptonian costume from right after the "Death of Superman" , but it wasn't red and blue tights.
Anyway back to slade wilson he was on the show friday, supposedly Slade Wilson is a character named Death Stroke(again will be checking this, I mean I could just tweet Rob Liefeld, DeadPool's creator he is awesome and responds to you most of the time, but I can just google it) I forget how he starts out but I think their origins are similar so I can't wait to see how he translated.
I haven't caught the new Bleach episode, or the latest Naruto Shippuuden(Hurricane Chronicles) so I need to catch up on that today. I might go ahead and pick up another anime, I just have to find some place that has all the episodes and can play them without any hiccups. You have any suggestions feel free to leave them.
Aiight bedding this one I hope everyone has a great monday
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Hey you find out something new everyday Slade from the Teen Titans (successful Teen Titans I should say) Cartoon network show was actually DEATHSTROKE I guess the name DeathStroke was a little strong for a kiddie show so they just called him slade, hell I didn't even think to place the costume.
Two prime time games in a row, against dividion opponents and we kicked butt. 3 great QB's in a row and we still come out on top(Donovan Mcnabb is a great QB, he doesn't get his due because for some even though he had inferior recievers for MOST of his career no superbowl no respect) our defense bent, didn't break and we played some damn good exciting football.
I have no clue how today is going to go, I'm thinking of going to see "Faster" with Dwayne Johnson. Baby Bro has been going in on The Rock because of:"The Gameplan"(the green Leotard hurt his soul), "The Toothfairy"(yeah a "freakishly large" human being in a TuTu is a NO NO) and "Race to Witch Mountain"(I guess he didn't like the original) but I'm gonna say one thing on that YOU CAN'T BEAT DISNEY MONEY $$$ cha ching.
I'm saying when's the last time you hurt Kurt Russel having money problems, Jodey Foster, or Julie Andrews(Mary Poppins)? Exactly Disney money never runs out(which is a good thing for Marvel Comics, please get the DeadPool movie right).
Speaking of DeadPool the character who was the inspiration for the merc with the mouth Slade Wilson was on Smallville Friday so I can't wait to watch the episode online tomorrow. Yes I am a Smallville fan it now has to rank as the best superhero TV show it has outlasted "The Flash", "Heroes", that mutant show on fox, "birds of prey", "The Mantis", "The Incredible Hulk", "Spiderman", "Doctor Strange" and I believe the original Adam West and Burt Ward Batman Series(of course I will have to check on that and will adjust this comment accordingly). Now some have mentioned they don't like it because the "symbolism" is off. Every Superhero has a trademark(or 3) spiderman has the Red spider, the mask with the white eyes and black outline, the webs; Batman has the bat, the cape and cowl, the batarangs(which are usually bat shaped but are still seperate items). Superman has the Spit curl(which you know Tom Welling has yet to sport), the blue and red tights, the red and yellow "S" on his chest, red and yellow cape. And as I have mentioned before I felt it was short sighted for the creators to say in the first season you wouldn't see Tom Welling running around in Blue and Red tights.
Um Hello! Sooner or later IF the show is a success and goes on for more than say 4 seasons(Smallville starts With Clark Kent in high school) he is going to BE the hero. And I know how comic fans could be, the statement was made I'm sure to make it seem like it wasn't going to be a cheap costume show where it was all about drawing in comic fans seeing the symbols while not paying attention to the story. Thing is sooner or later he has to fly and he has to become superman. Now they have cheated Clark Kent as "the Blur" is running around in the Black and Silver Kryptonian costume from right after the "Death of Superman" , but it wasn't red and blue tights.
Anyway back to slade wilson he was on the show friday, supposedly Slade Wilson is a character named Death Stroke(again will be checking this, I mean I could just tweet Rob Liefeld, DeadPool's creator he is awesome and responds to you most of the time, but I can just google it) I forget how he starts out but I think their origins are similar so I can't wait to see how he translated.
I haven't caught the new Bleach episode, or the latest Naruto Shippuuden(Hurricane Chronicles) so I need to catch up on that today. I might go ahead and pick up another anime, I just have to find some place that has all the episodes and can play them without any hiccups. You have any suggestions feel free to leave them.
Aiight bedding this one I hope everyone has a great monday
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Hey you find out something new everyday Slade from the Teen Titans (successful Teen Titans I should say) Cartoon network show was actually DEATHSTROKE I guess the name DeathStroke was a little strong for a kiddie show so they just called him slade, hell I didn't even think to place the costume.
And after a back and forth battle in South Philly
The Eagles are now in sole possesion of first place in the NFC East and all I can say is WOW. If you would have told me over the summer that we would:
1. Trade Donovan Mcnabb
2. Still have a winning season through week 10 and
3. Be tops in the division
Could I tell you I would still be on the ground right now laughing at you, belly laughs with tears in my eyes because that would be asking too much. I mean yeah for the better part of the last decade, it was a given but that was with Donovan at quarter back and with all the flack he gets let's be real here Donovan Mcnabb knows how to win football games, now yes Mike Vick knows how to win football games too Donovan has just had more success for a longer stretch of time.
And this game had me on the edge of my seat, if you were to tell me that we would drop 4 pretty much guaranteed TD passes, give up 14 straight points and the lead as well as get a field goal blocked and we would still win. Man I wouldn't believe you, but they pulled it out. As I said in the post I made at half time those two missed touchdown catches hurt and then the third drop by Maclin this was wacky world tonight. Jackson, Avant, and Maclin all dropped or missed passes that they are usually money on, nobody could have foreseen that and we still get a win. I can tell you one thing I know whats gonna be the focus in practice this week lol.
And our DEFENSE was awesome yes they gave up two TDs late one of them was after a penalty and the other after a turnover deep on our side of the field but they got five take aways and only turned the ball over once. Huh what do you mean the defense only turned the ball over once? Our second give away was on a Fumble by Asante Samuel after he had intercepted a pass by Eli Manning, Ahmad Bradshaw got his helmet on the ball just before Asanted was touched down. We got the ball back a few plays later but man was that a wacky game.
So Philadelphia Eagles, Number 1 in the NFC East for now next week Chicago
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