Sunday, May 15, 2011

On my way to the "Confessional"

Its a lazy sunday evening, dusk is setting in, the parking lot is empty here at the Raliegh Springs mall the carnival is over. I'm here to see Priest I got here early and brough cash due to the "Fast Five" credit card debacle. I don't want to miss the trailers again. Its T-minues 20 minutes and counting, I already purchased my ticket but im waiting on the hot dog and blue and red because I don't want the hot dog cold or the slushie watery. What can I say thinking ahead.

Do or die today

I'm determined now while I loathe watching movies on Sunday because it forces me to try and write a review during the week when my time is usually limited. But I'll suck it up, hell I might write the review tonight (breaking my usual reviewing tradition) just to get it out since I will have more time on a Sunday night than I will on Monday or Tuesday due to work.

Now if your wondering why I'm not at the movies now it's because I am watching game 7 between the Grizzlies and the Thunder. Now technically I really don't have a dog in the hunt anymore, I'm a die hard 76ers fan have been for years but Memphis is a basketball town. Granted it's usually COLLEGE basketball with the Memphis Tigers, but this run for the Grizzlies has been insane. Not saying that I am enjoying the game, I am a basketball fan and nothing I hate more that the "favorite son" treatement.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The more you know

As of late I have been feeling a little subconscious about the length of my posts when it comes to you know how you see them on the web when you first log in, well a little something I had been ignoring: the jump break. I know other bloggers who say after the jump, and I see it(of course USUALLY I have gone to their link directly so I rarely notice it) and I'm like umm what jump. They meant this jump

Plans for the day

As it is a normal saturday here at BTMS I'm off to do some system crap and hopefully not be stuck in the boonies til the crack of dusks butt crack. Now while I say this I know MOST Saturdays I am stuck in the boonies til dark(annoying) now I want to go see "Priest" tonight I'm hoping its going to be good.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Bloggie are you ok

Checking out a few things and of course it wouldn't be life if things weren't going weird, thats okay though I will have time to figure them out and if this is still working until I get them fully figured out what can I say I will take my sweet old time to do it.

Not a lot to say more of testing the waters oooh I need to make a SLIGHT adjustment to a previous blog so BRB

First using the "official" Blogger app

Now I read the reviews, I know "glitchy" is supposedly an understatement when it comes to this app, I saw maybe two positive reviews. Most said it locked up, it mirrored pics, it crashed, it wouldn't publish. Basically by most peoples estimation it was "crap"(and that is being nice) but hey some apps work for some and not for others. But hey its the "official" app and hopefully its just like the official wordpress app(which I love) because that gives me some functionality that "Blogger-droid" lacks.

Today is hopefully a movie night, we'll see though, gotta see when I get done working. I'm also thinking of buying my "address" it seems .com is in use, which sucks but some others aren't, granted SOME of the site names were less than palatable. Its like" O rly" these are the "site names" you have as alternates, wtdta on some of them. I'll put them on WP so y'all can laugh too.  Well this is really another "digital toy" update waiting on the Boss so I can melt in the heat again (yay me).

Actually it went from hot to drizzly this is becoming super awesome day, aiight let's bed this and see what happems

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oops did I do that

Looking at my "Networked Blogs" page I noticed a huge goof. As I was going back through some of my recent "raw blogs" I noticed how HUMONGOUS some of the pictures had come out, messing up the whole flow of the page. Granted these were raw, I knew they were raw, many of them came from days when I had no electricity so that I didn't have access to puter or internet to resize them. Thing is that isn't the "goof", the goof was that after I edited said blogs I forgot to check the "post preferences" at the bottom.

What's "post preferences"(which understand if that ain the right name it will be edited out and I'll floating text said changed) you may ask, it allows me to choose the date and time a post will appear INCLUDING leaving a post to be added in to a previous months register. This is good if you just wish to edit typos and aren't doing a whole new blog. Now I have to go back and re edit posts and HOPE I can remember what days they were originally posted. Some were within the last few days so its going to be annoying but not impossible(especially since most of my posts DON'T have comments), but certain ones(like the warriors way blog) I know the exact date of (12/5/10 had to go back to that date too many times to answer responses on it, which was AWESOME).


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