Thursday, February 9, 2017

THROWBACK THURSDAY-My theory on job creation(6/2/10)

This is what I think would help I keep talking about it I have posted it in various peices around the net but never in one full front to back easily reference able part. Why post it here, simply put the rules on this blog pretty much force me to remain serious as well as use more responsible language(IE not cursing)

The PrimalData American Manufacturing revitalization plan:

Any "American" corporation with less then 95% of their total labor force in the united states of america is stripped of any and all tax considerations given to "American" businesses. If the corporation imports products into the united states of America from a foreign port to sell in the united states they are subject to normal duties and taxes as well as a 25% penalty on those products. 

reason:them building these items in a foreign country is costing american citizens jobs in hopes off padding their pockets and thus profits. So if you are going to negatively affect the citizens here you are going to pay for it.


meh, I may redo this one day. I think I started this on a slow day while watching MSNBC or something. And yes I have often talked about this with various people who: 
  • Probably haven't had a job in a while
  • Don't understand HOW our tax and tariff system works
  • Really don't care about creating jobs, they just want to be contrarian
  • Haven't researched ANYTHING that they are saying, if it sounds good SCREAM IT
I don't mind a good debate, the problem is half the time on the internet you can't find one. The people who "pretend" to take the other side aren't actually taking a side, they are just trying to start some kind of conflict. Lots of name calling, some cursing, some complaining to an imaginary ref, a lot of conspiracy theories they try to pass off as fact or research, and a general lack of understanding of anything other than what they WANT to be true. It used to be more fun but they are so easily manipulated that you kind of realize it isn't so much skill on your part as it is incompetence on theirs

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A fathers love and dedication will save the world

Alicia Marcus - an innocent little girl who develops a rare yet fatal disease: Progeria. She will not live a full life by the time she reaches the age of 25 she will look 70, her father James Marcus works diligently on a cure for her disease. But also in preparation for the worst begins recording her face, her voice and every waking moment to hold on to the memory of his beloved child. Just when he thought all was lost he discovered a cure the T-virus, it regenerates cells and at first appears to cure his daughter. Due to the discovery he begins the Umbrella Corporation with his friend Alexander Isaacs hoping to cure all disease. Unfortunately the T-virus had side effects, and they were deadly.

The Red Queen - the digital versions of Alicia Marcus created by Doctor Alexander Isaacs, she is the computer that runs all of umbrella corp her job is to protect humanity from T-virus outbreaks, as well as the staff of the umbrella corporation. She may look like an innocent little girl but she is ruthless, cold, and calculating. Her young angelic voice can often be heard saying "You're all gonna die down here" partially because she is stating an undeniable fact the T-virus outbreak is over running the world, and the other reason is because she is most likely releasing t-virus creatures to come and kill you.

Alice- She has been there since the first known widespread T-virus outbreak, due to her exposure in the initial outbreak her memories of her past have been destroyed. From the first she has been killing zombies for a long time 10 years, she has lost loved ones, friends, and seen many people die. She has been experimented on, cloned, given special powers by her exposure to the T virus, had them removed, had them given back but she is tired. All she does is kill T-virus infected zombies. When last we saw her she was in Washington DC involved in a last stand for humanity.

3 women all connected by the T-virus, one the reason for it's creation, the other it's tireless observer, and the last a warrior fighting against inevitability. The T-virus was spread by the speed of the modern world:Trains, planes, and cars if you are infected with the T virus, especially the early strains you are most likely going to die and when you do you will become a zombie, flesh craving, undead trudging on to kill the remaining members of humanity who's rolls you just left. The Umbrella corporation created a

Resident Evil and this is it's Final Chapter

Monday, February 6, 2017

Superbowl 51 movie trailers

Since I personally feel I shorted you by not giving you all the trailers for Resident Evil the final chapter(plus the trailers I did have save one I have already discussed) I have decided to look up all the Superbowl movie trailers and talk about them. I don't know what I am going to find, I don't know if they were all awesome but I do know there seems to have been a lot of them.

Yes this will follow my normal format of "Title of the movie linked to the trailer, followed by a short bit of personal commentary" so, you ready? Let's get this popping:

Transformers: The Last Knight

I don't know what it is with Micheal Bay and killing off everybody's favorite Transformers but it seems like he is at it again, and this time it looks like the world's favorite VW bug turned Camaro is in his sights. We may finally get the answer to why Transformers keep coming to planet Earth, unfortunately it seems our favorite human saving Autobot has decided he ain for us fleshlings no more. That's right ladies and gentleman Optimus Prime appears to be in league with the Big Bad this movie, that is if he ISN'T the actual big bad. Something is talking to him about redemption so I think he is being mind controlled doesn't matter though if he is roasting his fellow autobots on a spit. Optimus you better than this Bro, I know Micheal Bay is telling you that you have to do it but nah dog don't go out like this.

The Trailers for Resident Evil The final chapter

Due to a series of extremely unfortunate but hilarious events I got to the movie theater later than expected. No seriously it was like something out of a cartoon

  • I couldn't find the car keys
  • I had to give the dog water
  • I get to the gas station because I was on E, I got the slowest teller ever
  • I get behind a car and even though no one is in front of him 10 miles under the speed limit
  • Did I mention he finally sped up when I went to pass him
  • I go to park and somebody can't decide if they want to leave or stay
BUT I got there, I made it in time to see a few of the trailers before the movie(probably would have seen them all if I sacrificed my blue and red but traditions must be upheld) and here I am to tell you what I saw and what I thought about them. So without further adieu I made it in time to catch 3 trailers and they were as follows

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Here we go Again

It's another movie night, I am about to head to the theater to watch HOPEFULLY Resident Evil, the final chapter. Resident Evil is a special little conundrum it is based on a video game(mostly) and yet the type of video game it is based on is based on Zombie survival horror which is of course a type of movie. I have often said one of the reasons that RE hasn't been as lackluster as other video game movies is because Zombie Horror is something people know how to do, yes you have to add in crazy looking enemies, mutated dogs, and weird horse/bull looking things but it's still the undead chasing living people around who just want to make it to another day. They have used various characters from the game Ada Wong, Chris Redman, the Nemesis, Wesker, and of course Alice. It plays well because you get to see your favorite characters damn near die or die (depending on who you liked in the movie) but at least go out in a blaze of glory.

They have waded their way through 5 movies(not unlike Underworld) and have decided to let their crew go out in a blaze of glory in one final mega battle. This doesn't mean they can't do another Resident Evil movie later, but they retired Alice around 5 in the games I think, had Chris in more of them as well as showed random other characters. So while you may lose your T-virus power Super Zombie killer you can still have folks who are pretty good at fighting off Zombies and getting to the end versus whoever the Big Boss is.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Dear Lord Dampnut

Supposedly an anagram for Potus 45's first and last name(Donald Trump) is Lord Dampnut. Similar to Tom Marvelo Riddle's I am Lord Voldemort, so I am starting to think since the pres baby is such a stickler for his image and his popularity(which is currently in the tank) we should start writing him letters addressed to Lord Dampnut, the LORD part he probably won't mind the Dampnut as he really isn't know for his humility nor his appreciation for satire or parody it might drive him insane. Honestly I don't really do anagrams too often, mainly because I probably wouldn't stop coming up with words and I might skip the funny ones just to keep on going.

Now to be fair, IF Donald Trump had a decent sense of humor ain nothing wrong with damp nuts. They may have initially been wet nuts, which hopefully meant they were either involved in strenuous activity or a whole lot of fun. The Donald has always been known to brag about his sexual prowess and attractiveness to the ladies so this SHOULDN'T be too big of a shot to his ego. But he's Donald Trump, EVERYTHING is either a shot to or a boost for his ego.

A prayer breakfast:Talk about how I did on the apprentice
Executive Orders:Call a press conference(but don't take questions)
Have a secured phone:Stay tweeting on your regular account on your unsecured phones
Crooked Hillary and her unsecured email server: Still uses your Gmail account.

I would say something about hypocrisy, but that would require some folks to pick up a dictionary to do more than balance out a table. Read more than just the names of beers(or memorize the colors), and understand that there is such a thing as FACTS, things that can be proven, recorded, and recreated and then there is an opinion that anyone can have but that is not LAW nor UNIMPEACHABLE. This is meant to be light hearted so don't worry I ain about to go off on a tangent, I truly find it amazing that THIS is what we have come to. Having the guy screaming at the top of his lungs in a delusional tangent as the leader of the free world. But hey, in my lifetime I have now seen the White Sox, the Red Sox, and the Cubs win a world series. I have seen the Cleveland Cavaliers win an NBA title, I even saw the Tampa bay Buccaneers win a Superbowl so it isn't like the crazy or previously impossible has never happened before.

So we have decided to turn real life into fiction, I wonder if I get super powers next and whose


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