Thursday, January 12, 2017

Does X-men:Apocalypse spell the end for X-men movies for Singer(throwback from 8/10/16)

It's been 3 weeks, and while people love to blame underperforming comic book movies on Super Hero fatigue I think if we are honest we know it isn't fatigue it's crappy movies. When you make a crappy movie, it doesn't perform.

Deadpool a fan favorite, niche, parody of another comic book character pretty much quadrupled it's production budget.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice a mash up of quite a few Fan favorite stories, that had a ROCKY delivery(if I am being generous) barely made it's money back and is seen as a flop domestically.

Captain America: Civil War has already surpassed BOTH Deadpool(the runaway success) and Batman v Superman(a movie that was pushed up a WHOLE MONTH so they didn't have to directly compete) by crossing the 400 million mark. Deadpool fell just short at like 373 million, Batman v Superman needs a hail mary to even get close before they drop the DVD in 2 months at 336 million.

So what about X-men:Apocalypse, it is coming up on the one month mark, how much has it made 146 million. All 3 movies previously mentioned had crossed the 200 million threshold within 2 weeks. Come this Friday it will have been 4 weeks since Apocalypse was released. I already gave my opinion of this movie, it's the Distinguished mutant. The names you know without the cohesiveness you love, this movie is a shell of itself and what it should have been. Hell Days of Future Past got way closer to the mark and was a hit, and was one of the reasons so many people were hyped for Apocalypse. The problem is most of the initial media released for the movie started to douse said hype, we appreciate the costumes but we also need the powers.

When I INITIALLY heard that X-men Apocalypse was going to be based in the 80's I had high hopes, the 80's comics run of the X-men was one of the most popular. It introduced us to Storm, Nightcrawler, Wolverine, Colossus, Rogue, and later on Gambit. I had hoped that since I saw Jubilee included that they were going to follow in the foot steps of the 90's X-men cartoon that ran on Fox network. Unfortunately I forget how much disdain Singer has for the source material and it appears he is paying for his hubris. I didn't think X-men Apocalypse was going to be a blockbuster when I saw it, but I did think it would hit 250 million domestic and struggle to break the 300 million mark being a certified failure in the current climate but at least worthy of a try again sequel. Yes it needs major overhauls:Storm was born with White Hair and usually pupiless eyes. PSYlocke is a psychic mutant, I have never seen her make a blade that large, as I think I stated in one of my reviews of the trailer it's more the size of a kunai(a small yet lethal knife/dagger). When I say details matter, details matter. And while Psylocke does possess the BODY of a hand Ninja, she has the mind of BETSY BRADDOCK a former student of Charles Xavier. The bit from the much panned X3 where Charles has his body destroyed and he takes over a host body that is perfect save a lack of higher brain functions. Yeah that is Psylocke's backstory for how she went from a young British girl who was a protege' of Charles to an Asian assassin. She was able to do it because she was a high enough level psy mutant(thus why it is IN HER DING DANG CODE NAME) that she walked the astral plane and found that perfectly viable(save the lack of higher brain functions) body of a comatose ninja. Now I forget if said ninja was comatose due to a battle with Wolverine(since you know he has a thing about killing hand ninjas).

I mean I think I have linked to pictures of her with that Neon Purple/Bubblegum Pink Butterfly thing that all psyabled mutants get when using their psychic abilities. But if not I will do it again. Everything was a half measure in this movie, even the 4 horseman. He doesn't just use the name "The Four Horseman of Apocalypse" because he thinks it's a cool name, he uses it to strike fear and quell rebellion. Thus he gives them THE ACTUAL POWERS OF THE HORSEMAN. Oh and another thing:it was the 4 Horseman AND his ARCHANGEL not just the four horseman including the archangel of death. When Angel was turned blue and given his metal wings HERALDS were still a big thing at the house of ideas. The Silver Surfer was Galactus's herald and Archangel was Apocalypses.


I didn't even remember starting this post, yes this movie pissed me off. But I forgot how just how much of his hide I was ready to peal off. I think he made back his production budget but that's it. And of this years movies it STILL remains the LOWEST performer out of all the movies we had high expectations for, it was a KNOWN PROPERTY, with a pretty well established fan base, but just like with Batman v Superman I think word of mouth killed this movie. There was nothing good that could be said about it, I have no clue what he though he was doing, but it damn sure wasn't directing a good movie. But as I left it languishing and never finished it this is what I had STARTED to say when I guess I had something to do and just wanted the terrible taste out of my mouth

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