I am sure that there are plenty of folks who are going to see this as someone being a sore loser, that is absolutely possible. I can be looking at my 35 years of CONSCIOUS observation of the world all wrong, I do wear glasses(glasses that need to be replaced, they are old and broken), and I can absolutely read a situation wrong. I may like to read comic books but I possess none of the clairvoyance that appear in their pages, nor that on the movie screen, I don't know the ancient art of scrying, am in possession of no magics besides that of imagination, and have no skill whatsoever in divination. I observe people, situations, and I play the odds accordingly.
This is also not a "money is the root of all evil" kick, I honestly think evil needs no help it just needs opportunity. The previous post and this one are looking at how we have changed, and what those changes especially socially have caused to develop and fester in us. People with money are still people, their motivations are similar to ours sometimes the consequences just differ. Again I am not saying rich people are inherently evil, whether they scratched fought, and clawed their way to the top or else by luck of DNA were born into. Not even if by luck of DNA, Networking, and circumstance you MARRIED in to it honestly congratulations.
I have no problem with your money, wealth or the status of being rich, hell I want to be rich. No, I am saying run away opulence is just that, run away and dangerous. Since we all want money, if you have so much money that you NEVER have to worry about running out, money isn't a necessity it's a tool. And to be honest money really is a tool, it is no different than a screwdriver, if you have it when something breaks, and the usage of one can fix it you are in good shape. If you don't have it it's a problem, if you have it but not enough which would be similar to having a screwdriver or a socket wrench but not the right size one or the correct type you can't fix your problem. Now what if this isn't even a consideration for you? How reckless would you be? You know you have the tool, and then you walk up to someone who NEEDS THE TOOL what can you get this person to do so that you will lend it to them, hell give it to them? You have the internet(otherwise you wouldn't be on this blog), you have Google, think of something crazy and Google it, think of that annoying person who hung around a gas station, convenience store parking lot, or even a big box store parking lot. Remember what they said when they begged you for some coins:Nickel, dime, Quarter, I'll take anything. Think of some of those videos you see on YouTube of what people have been willing to do on a dare, for a buck, for a meal, for a hit, for a beer?
Now think of somebody who a BUCK to them is your mortgage, hell that's a penny how about YOUR SALARY FOR THE YEAR. Yup that isn't even a drop in the bucket it's the condensation on the side, what could someone get you to do to basically give you your WHOLE YEARS PAY tomorrow, not enough 2 years pay? 3? How much pressure would you be under mentally? How many holes in your life did you just fill in when you thought of how much money that was? Are your student loans gone? is your car paid off? your house? is the dream house you were starting to write off as a pipe dream now your actual house? Is that business that was on the verge of going under now solvent and you can afford to invest in that equipment you need? Or the training for your and your employees so you can taking on newer, bigger, better jobs. Certifications to get you to that next level? Now that you know what the gun looks like, how many bullets are in it, and how twitchy the trigger is mentally how many people would you trust with it? Because all it takes for one to rationalize something is just the crack of thinking about it. How many girls have sold their virginity online? How many people ran to places like Backpage, Craigslist, and other online Want ads(hell the ACTUAL Want Ads) to post all kinds of niche(whether legal, tiptoeing up to the line, straddling the line, tea-bagging the line, stumbling over, or triple jumping the line of moral, legal, safe, and responsible) services to people who had the money to spend on them. The Ashley Madisons, the hook up sites, the GUARANTEED hook up sites(IE you will get laid, how well you get laid is in the eye of the beholder) of the world, if you will pay for it and have the money for it you can probably find and get it.
It is a humbling thing to know you can't actually afford what you want, enraging to not be able to afford what you need. Ever seen someone's card be declined in a store? That initial look of shock, slight amount of red facedness, then the disbelief, and sometimes the anger and DEMAND for an explanation. Especially if you just KNOW you got the money, ain nothing quite like a random charge that you weren't expecting, or else a charge that you were but that got their early to wreak havoc on your psyche and leave you a little defensive/testy especially if there is a long line. Now if you were HOPEFULLY decent to your cashier/sales associate they might be patient with you and allow you to either find OTHER funds/forms of payment or else be polite when calling the manager/supervisor to void you out. Now if you weren't kind and courteous, Karma has been waiting for you all day, she petty, and the petty piper would like her due. Now I know some of yall wanna lie(remember the faking it for the gram from earlier, yeah you) because yes we all have cell phones, most of them have internet and are Smart phones, and you can get an app for almost every :Bank, credit card, prepaid card, online money exchange service, or for the purpose of managing your personal/familial finances. What I say about Karma, yeah just like your favorite pair of jeans can get a hole in them, money side, and not drop a single red cent UNTIL you hit the grass so you don't hear any of it falling to the ground, issues in this digital age of purchase can and will go wrong. Now, what if you have never HAD THAT MOMENT especially not for something so simple as lunch at say McDonald's, your groceries at the supermarket, or your gas at the gas station? Cause it's always for something 5 or 10 bucks right, we tend to be more cautious when it is more than that because if we really need it we will probably bring a fair amount of cash to back us up.
As news of his Cabinet picks keeps coming in MOST of them appear to not only not know anything about the departments that they are being grilled about leading, they don't even seem to understand that it is a solemn duty that they are being EMPLOYED BY WE THE PEOPLE to do. These are people who are used to BEING the boss, it has mostly likely been so long that they answered to someone who couldn't be negotiated with over a lunch and a promise to make the next deal sweeter even if the next deal is years down the line because, they got it like that and ain got to worry about it. So many CEO's have golden parachutes that failure isn't a motivation, it just expedites their vacation plans, gives them a chance to reflect and reread the tea leaves of the world so they can retool their idea and sell themselves as a leader who can bring it to fruition at YOUR company.
Yes this is going to be a lost day, instead of coming together most of us are going to look into the ugliness on the other side. See the very things we hate, dig in and decide, NO, NOT TODAY, I will not allow it. And when it goes wrong, because people are already starting to see it go wrong, Don't expect me to sign a petition, I voted for the greater good if you voted for the axe stand in the line and accept your consequences. I am tired of running up to the side of the road and grabbing grown people who are staring into traffic and expect physics, gravity, and the dynamics of propulsion to either work the way they want them to so they don't get hurt when they either ignore them or take a leap not of faith but of stubbornness. No, I am not your huckleberry. You saw me as an enemy so be it, pick yourself up off the ground, find your own solutions, figured out exactly how to unbreak the wheel you have just elected to destroy. I am going to do that think that you hold so dear in your hearts that has to be impossible, I am going to be hear taking care of me and mines. So yeah every "I can't wait til the library closes so you have to get off your internet"s have a nice day, every "I wish they didn't allow inmates to use computers, it's a waste of my tax dollars" I am so sorry to hear that, and my all time favorite "if you would just get a job and stop leeching of the government," from someone if I bet we had an honest and impartial 3rd party check our wallets, I won't be the one with the EBT card. You won, enjoy you victory lap, and if you find that half way through said lap you end up in a morass, a bog, muskeg, or quagmire just remember it is far better to try and screw your neighbor than to work with him. Because if you work with him or her things will get better, and then what can you complain about?
And don't think I don't know that some people look at me and swear they see ugly? Those quotes up there, I have heard them spit people who don't know me from a blade of grass on the White House lawn giving dissertations into my financial status, current whereabouts, employment level. We've seen the videos of people standing in stores yelling at the tops of their lungs because THEY have a right to tell people they don't know about themselves. Harass innocents because somehow someway they feel inconvenienced, they feel embattled, they feel left behind so they are just not gonna take it anymore. Okay, don't just stay over there. Personally I am going to ignore you, I have headphones, a smart phone, lots of music on said phone, and the ability to tune folks and situations out. Now if you walk over towards me, I will pay slightly more attention. Speech is relatively free in this country, you won't face any GOVERNMENTAL consequences(for the most part, there are things you can't say and things you can't do), but while I am TECHNICALLY the government(you know the whole WE the PEOPLE thing), I sent somebody to represent me as a private citizen I can shun you, if I am a customer I can refuse to do business with you ever again, and if I just so happen to be your boss I can fire you. Because the consequences weren't from the government they were from the populace. Once your peace is said, the mic is mine don't worry I have big lungs I took a deep breath before you starting speaking and I will retort. Or I will remind you that YOUR business if over there and you should tend to it, because I'm not interested. I don't have to be, you don't pay my bills, you don't feed me, and we ain dating. Most likely we ain related, if we were friends you would already no better, and if you are coworker if it ain at work, you ain important bye. If it is a work, is it WORK RELATED, no BYE.
Take your attention whoring somewhere else, yes I know Human Race= Attention whores. I mean come on, we built crap that could be seen from space even though we have never been there, AND we thought we were the center of the universe, AND we didn't have the means to head there if we wanted to go, and to top it off we believed that a DEITY or DEITIES lived there, didn't like us trying to climb to their house, and wanted a certain level of humility and respect from us. So human race since damn near inception strove to get EVERY LAST BIT of ATTENTION we ever thought existed. Not that we ever considered that we may not yet QUALIFY as intelligent life, no offense but if you ain got but one house to live in, one patch of dirt to live on, and you ain taking every precaution to NOT destroy it that doesn't sound to smart to me. Even if you don't believe in Global Warming(cause you special), we poison the waters at a terrible rate too, sooner or later we are gonna mess around and find ourselves needing to become moisture farms like Luke and Owen.
This is my more mature blog. By mature I mean I'm going to follow some rules and I'm going to try and do more then take the easy way out. No cursing I gotta find a different way to say it and still emphatically get my point across
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