Sunday, June 12, 2011

The vaio

You've heard me speak on it before, usually with praise but a few complaints here and there. Simply put its the machine you usually interact with me on, way back in '05 me and my wife spent a pretty penny on it and basically it has come through for the most part with flying colors. Now yes I have mentioned as of late that it needs a reload, which is true but needing a reload does not diminish your past good works.

Top and bottom faceplates gone
Dual DvD drives(the top one a no longer functioning burner I should have replaced long ago), a 3.2 Ghz P4 H/T processor, 250 GB Sata HD(yes Sony was ahead of the curve with that), and I think came with either 1 gb or 1.5 gb of ram to start. I've edited movie clips, played games and done damn near everything on this puter. So I'm kinda sorry to see it need to be sideline for a while, unlike my first Vaio it won't be given away most likely either it or the refurbished one will become the home of the Ponderings database. Once I fully back up my data, I'm going to load Windows 7 on it. It can easily handle it and basically if nothing else I should have upgraded it years ago(just didn't have the space).

I may do a vid for the ponderings and youtube showing me dismantling a free agent and then slapping said drive into one of these puters later(haven't bought the sub yet so not going to do it now), you've seen the pics but some might like a Vid too. Haven't decided yet, but that is my Road Dog its been with me through some trying times and has traveled from Memphis to Atlanta and back with me, and where ever I move next yes it too will be coming. I guess I will do the living room and bedroom PC thing. I also think I'll buy a couple of extra drives to clone later so that if something happens to my main PC's I'll still have all my data.
Due to a virus my chrome no longer works, my firefox constantly crashes, my safemode is pooched, and as previously mention IE is IE. Of course since I have 200+ gigabytes of data on said HD a complete wipe and reload is out of the question until its backed up. Too much stuff to lose, and I love all of it I'll probably buy the 1TB freeagent send all the data over and possibly put another one in as the boot drive. Just keep the original 250 safe and outta sight. Yeah that's a plan(will probably cost me an extra 200 bucks but think of the possibilities. Oh well enough yapping time to post this and start on First Class, I just wanted to get a few things off my mind and I just realized I never really gave old faithful here her own post nor have I immortalized her on the next with a pic.

I'm sure she wished I had looked for one of her face plates The top one I can't stand because it never kicked open thus it's removed and the bottom one I would always end up kicking off because well I use the front USB ports a lot. I had used the front video ports a time or two(did I mention she has a TV in card in her separate from her video card) not as much recently no need. Also since I finally figured out how to take out the top DVD drive maybe I will give her that blu ray upgrade when I reload her, got to at least be a blu ray burner though what good is it to just be able to read the disc? Vacuum her out a little and she'll look good as new, doesn't mean I will be giving up the other puter just means she will be back as the center of attention(may even get her a new video card). I do have other things to spend my money on though so once I get her fixed everything else will be a "as extra funds become available" thing, it's just how I'm looking at it I need a working computer thus the funds I will be spending shortly(and I'm not going whole hog it's just something better than average at a good price) and the extra drive I've needed forever just never took the time to buy it but now that I have the "free agent trick"(I can use any drive honestly but the free agent does give me certain options others don't) well it makes it a worthwhile endeavor to buy one. Okay now I'm really off to the First Class blog, lets see how much I remember after a full week of seeing that movie.

And somehow I will get Super 8 in this week before I go see Green Lantern I really wanted to see both

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