Thursday, February 11, 2016

Sequels vs. Remakes(6/18/11)

As "Summer Movie Season" is in full swing we are getting some new entries as well as a case of the "going back to the well/golden goose". What I mean by this are sequels and remakes, movies that either already have an invested audience or that were winners in the past and thus a new reimagining with an updated cash could wring a few more dollara out. The most successful character for sequels has to be James Bond, he may not always knock it out of the park but as for the entirety of my 30 plus years I have seen james bond movies being made (and I think Daniel Craig is the 7th or 8th bond now). The most successful Remake is probably Batman Begins with Star Trek(2009) being a close second(Kitsune feels that The Karate kid is a better remake then both). Enough of the preliminaries let's me go on and dig on in


Studios and movie chains love sequels because in MOST causes you have a guarenteed audience. If you fell in love with the characters the first time, even if the movie appeared to be a sleeper at first(say Bourne Identity) if it gets legs and people fall in love with the characters they will most likely come back to see them do it one more time. Usually studios lock in the cast for 2 or 3 movies in hopes that if it is a blockbuster you don't have to too much worry about scheduling concerns, renegotiations, or fan gripes about continuity(though a few recent sequels in the last decade have worked around that issue and come out mostly unscathed). The most popular sequel of all times and I don't think I'm going out on a limb with it I feel is :

Episode V the Empire Strikes Back
To say this sequel sucked in its fans and their friends, as well as shaped sci fi for years to come(hell scientists still to this day do "Debunking the science of Star Wars" shows) is such an understatement. Star Wars was such a moment in movie history that most people can remember their first viewing, as well as their favorite scenes.

Second is probably a newer film The Dark Knight. Now while the first one falls in the "Remake/Reboot" category the sequel was movie theater gold. It didn't hurt that Heath Ledgers Joker face paint became some type of political football with pictures of both Barack Obama and Fox News host Glenn Beck showing up as the
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This one was originally being done on either my phone or my tablet way back in 2011, I think I had the thrive back then but maybe not. SO it could have been on the Galaxy Note One, or even my motorola Backflip. Fun times. I may revisit this subject later especially with Even more remakes, sequels, and rehashes being released in the last few years. But whatever my thoughts were on this June day I never got back to finishing them. Yes I see the spelling errors that would have HOPEFULLY been caught when I finished writing and went to editing, but I am human I do miss things

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