Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Its a nice and sunny Tuesday morning

I'm working on a post about yesterdays barbecue it was immediate family only, I have more pictures than the ones I'm adding to that blog but hey you only want to see the finished product right. Short week and of course today I should begin writing the Hangover 2 review. I'll find some time later that is always my issue with sunday movie viewings writing the review duringh a busy week.

Its magic week by the way, yup marvel is about to pin themselves down again. Like Wolverine Origins they are about to finally MOSTLY tell the tale of how it all began in the X-universe. Now some of the things I have already voiced displeasure with some changes(Havok being on the team instead of older brother scott, Banshee being a founding member), I guess if I ever want to see these characters on the big screen I'd better be happy they are there. I'm more fond of Havok as the leader of X-factor those were some damn good story lines and I've been waiting for to introduce Banshee. I guess I should be happy Banshee is getting a better intro than Colossus got, man was that a major rip off(armors up, chucks some guys through a wall and  doesn't return until X-3, yeah good job there Singer) but he was a part of wolverines team, not the first class.

I'm also glad they are introducing the Hellfire Club, if this is a total X-series reboot I could live with this if they plan to do more along comic story lines adaptations in the future. Of course how they plan to reconcile a fully grown Emma Frost and no Scott or Jean Grey is beyond me, but hey I'm just a comics fan and movie goer what do I know. 2 weeks to Lantern now so june looks to be an awesome month.

Still have the "save no future phone access of blogs" glitch going on so I'm bedding this and will start another one later I'll edit and add the jump later

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