Saturday, November 6, 2010

It's saturday afternoon

I hope to hit a movie or two today. Previous blogs should say which, not sure whether or not I need a vehicle to get to them(there is a theater within walking distance and I may get my trudge on would be some good cardio burn away some of these calories I've been racking up). Some may be surprised that for once this isn't a mobblog thats because I'm sitting at my desktop right now, now yes there was a chance for me to get an El Cheapo Laptop so that I could do the laptop dance and be more productive but er ummm NOOOOO, I've done the budget laptop thing and I am more of a power user. I stay on my laptop all day damn near every day. Hell my desktop used to feel lonely I was on the laptop so much, so to make the mistake of buying something cheap and not powerful enough to handle my average usage requirements is a waste of money. Again this desktop is 5 years old, SLIGHTLY showing it's age but I tend to be running with the gazelles not the sloths on it despite my complaints.

What can I say SONY makes good products. I'm just pissed that my next desktop can't be a VAIO 5-6 years and still running strong, hell if I want I can just spend a few hundred bucks and plop some new pieces in this bad boy and probably eek another 2-3 years out of it(thing is there are a lot of DECENT desktops for about that couple of hundred, now if I get another Media/gaming desktop like this one yeah that costs more. And that would be a major purchase so that would be a see what we are trying to do thing and go from there).

I hope everyone is having a great weekend, enjoying family and friends at some point in time I need to yak butter my head it's start to get really long up there. By Yak butter(this is my mature acting blog so I won't call it what I usually call it) I mean magic shave. I'm in a lazy mood right now so I promise at some point in the future to come back and add in all the links, possibly some pictures. But again hey I've been spitting out content on a regular so I figured why not just come by spit out a quickie while I have nothing to blog about pertinent in my mind keep space clear and have a ball.

Oh and thanks to Dennis @Thinkhero(what I say about linkage? LATER) and who ever runs the @geektyrant twitter persona for getting back to me on RED times are tight and even saving the gas money by walkin if RED was gonna suck I'd be pissed. Not the Fantastisucked pissed but pissed none the less.

Aiight bedding this one you see how to get in touch with me if ya need me, again you found this page you actually did some searching cause I ain link it to anything else to do with me but my disqus. So I appreciate every click I get.

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